Description: Hegel was wrong.
by ExistentialComics
$17 $23
Description: Despair!
Description: Wisdom nerd.
Description: Destroy Capitalism
Description: Destroy Capitalism.
Description: Whenever a capitalist tries to steal your labor value, punch him in the throat.
Description: Nothing more punk rock than mutual aid.
Description: Radically Free man
Description: even more radically free than last time
Description: The original English translation of "A spectre is haunting Europe", for the hipster Marxist
Description: Cant Deal With These Monads (color)
Description: A Spectre is haunting the wasteland: the Spectre of Communism!
Description: I gazed into the abyss and all I got was this lousy t-shirt
Description: The first rule of philosophy is to question everything. The second rule of philosophy is to question everything. The third rule of philosophy is no Nietzsches allowed.
Description: It was inevitable, really.
Description: No borders for print.
Description: Life is like, totally absurd and stuff
Description: If you gaze too long into the abyss you'll wreck your eyesight - Nietzsche's Mom
Description: Communism!
Description: A true ubermënsch puts the umlaut wherever he wants.
$18 $24
Description: A true Übermensch would never follow the slogan on some tshirt
Description: One is not born, but rather becomes, a woman.
Description: Life is, like, totally absurd and stuff.
Description: A man reduced to a single instinct: dismantling the bourgeoisie's control over the means of production.
Description: Captain Metaphysics and the Metaphysicsateers
Description: Marx plays monopoly
Description: A true Übermensch deceives the evil demon
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