Description: Let the world know how filthy you are!
by Four Season Foraging
Description: Some of my favorite mushrooms... in goth style!
Description: For the mushroom goths
Description: For those of us who don't want to speak in code
Description: Some of my favorite foragables!
Description: Dandelion love for the goths.
Description: Have I mentioned that I love dandelions?
Description: I'm a danger on the road!
Description: Illustrations of the iconic fly agaric.
Description: They're the best friends around!
Description: Is there actually a better type of person?
Description: What better kind of person is there?
Description: I love plants and I love to love plants!
Description: The Four Season Foraging banner image
Description: This is for you if you live in the woods among mushrooms and flowers
Description: I believe in the power of flowers!
Description: Proud to be a forager!
Description: I am rarely seen outside of my tree hole
Description: Mushroom love cannot be contained!
Description: Spread the love of so-called "weeds" with this design!
Description: If you're a plant person, this design is for you!
Description: At least you're giving them fair warning!
Description: Oops, sorry, I got mud on your floor
Description: The best passive aggressive shirt for your chem lawn neighbors!
Description: At least you're giving people fair warning!
Description: The appropriate response when people accuse you of having no friends.
Description: Aspire to be as happy and free as a seagull eating french fries with this cute design!
Description: Be like the raccoon, find tasty treats in dumpsters!
Description: Be like the raccoon, search for tasty treats in the forest!
Description: If you prefer the company of frogs, then this design is for you!
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