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Wear your Italian Pride and support the Italian American Podcast... the first and finest podcast for Italian Americans!
U.S.A. - ITALIA Tattoo Flash T-Shirt

Description: Yes... a tattoo is pretty permanent, but hey, what's more permanent than your pride in being Italian American? OK, body art isn't for everyone, but now you can come as close as possible without the commitment with this tattoo flash inspired design that won't leave any doubt as to how much your Italian Power means to you!

Tags: american flag, italia, italian, italian culture, italian flag

U.S.A. - ITALIA Tattoo Flash

by ItalianAmericanPodcast


Campioni Del Mondo T-Shirt
Main Tag:  

Description: 1934...1938...1982...2006... Remember anything special from those incredible years? That's right... they were the four memorable years that the Italian National Football team earned their proud stars as champions of the World Cup tournament! Whether you call it calico, football, or even soccer, its a passion for Italians around the world, and now can wear this design with pride to show the world you root for 'gli Azzurri' EVERY year!

Tags: azzurri, calcio, figc, football, italia

Campioni Del Mondo

by ItalianAmericanPodcast


Feast of San Gennaro Throwback T-Shirt
Main Tag:  

Description: Every September, thousands upon thousands descend on Mulberry Street in Manhattan's Little Italy for 'a festa 'e tutte 'e feste'—'The Festival of All Festivals'... the Feast of San Gennaro! Now you can celebrate the Patron Saint of Naples- and one of Italian America’s most important Feasts- all year long with our first-ever, exclusively-designed, retro-inspired 'Italian American Feasts' Poster! *All proceeds from this design go to support the Fund for the Restoration of Most Precious Blood Church and the National Shrine of San Gennaro*

Tags: feast of san gennaro, italian, italian american, italian feast, italian power

Feast of San Gennaro Throwback

by ItalianAmericanPodcast


American Italian T-Shirt

Description: American Italian... Italian American... Italo-American... American of Italian Descent... whatever you call yourself, you can wear this design with pride wherever you go!

Tags: italia, italian, italian flag, italian power, italian pride

American Italian

by ItalianAmericanPodcast


Lucania - Basilicata Society T-Shirt
Main Tag:  

Description: Basilicata... ancient Lucania... if you have roots in Italy's beautiful unknown region, show your Lucani-American pride with this retro-inspired design to unite the sons and daughters of Basilicata all over the United States.

Tags: basilicata italy, italia, italian, italian american, italian power

Lucania - Basilicata Society

by ItalianAmericanPodcast


International Tomato Jarrers Union T-Shirt

Description: Tomato Jarrers of the World... UNITE! As summer turns into fall, thousands of Italian American families around the nation undertake the time honored tradition of jarring their own tomato sauce! Hundreds of pounds of this quintessentially Italian fruit, and hours and hours of labor go into making sure the whole famiglia eats well for the next year, but as much as we love the tradition... its definitely a lot of work! So for those of us who know the effort required- lifting and churning, boiling and bottling- the time has come to organize! So join the most Italian American union of all with this great new crest showing everyone how proud you are of the hard work and delectable results!

Tags: italian, italian culture, italian power, italian pride, italy

International Tomato Jarrers Union

by ItalianAmericanPodcast


Two Sicilies Boxing Team T-Shirt
Main Tag:  

Description: This is a special design for one of our most loyal customers... who is training the sons and daughters of the Due Sicilie in the "sweet science" and making all of us fight fans proud!

Tags: boxer, boxing club, due sicilie, italian, italian american

Two Sicilies Boxing Team

by ItalianAmericanPodcast


Italian American Map T-Shirt

Description: That beautiful Red, White and Green of the Italian flag seems to pop even more when juxtaposed against the iconic outline of these great United States of ours. Wear your Italian American identity loud and proud with this bold new design!

Tags: america, italian, italian american flag, italian culture, italian flag

Italian American Map

by ItalianAmericanPodcast


Pittsburgh Organ Grinders T-Shirt
Main Tag:  

Description: With his lone golden earring, bold red bandana, and dashing set of goateed whiskers, doesn't Pittsburgh's baseball mascot look a bit like the old Italian American Organ Grinder stereotype? Well, if you're one of the innumerable Paesani that calls the Steel City home, why not turn this cliched caricature on its ear and declare yourself a proud Organ Grinder with this new parody design made specifically for our friends in the 'Burg!

Tags: baseball, italian american, italian culture, italian power, italian pride

Pittsburgh Organ Grinders

by ItalianAmericanPodcast


Cincinnati Red Sauces T-Shirt
Main Tag:  

Description: The oldest team in Major League Baseball calls the Queen City home, so Cincy's Italian Americans must know a thing or two about being Old School... and what is more old school than your favorite neighborhood Red Sauce Joint? Now our paesani in Cincinnati can show pride in their heritage and their team with the delicious new parody design!

Tags: baseball, cincinnati, cincinnati reds, italian american, italian culture

Cincinnati Red Sauces

by ItalianAmericanPodcast


Boston Red Horns T-Shirt
Main Tag:  

Description: Where are our Paesani from Boston?!? Italians have meant so much to the culture and identity of Beantown, so why not take double down and rep an Italian American version of your favorite ballclub's famous logo?! Lets make it the Red-White-and-Green Monster with this brand new parody design for all our friends up in Titletown!

Tags: boston, boston italian, boston red sox, italian american, italian culture

Boston Red Horns

by ItalianAmericanPodcast


RETRO REVIVAL - "Love Italian American Style" T-Shirt

Description: Does this striking Italian American design look familiar? It should, because it’s the first of our new RETRO REVIVAL line, where we’re bringing back classic Italian American pride designs to make them available to a whole new generation!

Tags: american, american flag, heart, i heart, italia
Abruzzese American Association T-Shirt
Main Tag:  

Description: Forte & Gentile... Like the verdant forrest and timeless mountains that make up their land, the Abruzzese truly are a strong and gentle people! Now, if you are a proud daughter or son of this unspoiled land, let this retro-inspired design show off your Abruzzo Pride to everyone you meet!

Tags: abruzzese, abruzzi, due sicilie, italia, italian

Abruzzese American Association

by ItalianAmericanPodcast


Italians Are My Tribe T-Shirt
Main Tag:  

Description: We’re proud to be part of the Italian American Tribe... and this is the perfect design to declare your allegiance too!

Tags: baseball, cleveland, italian american, italian culture, italian pride

Italians Are My Tribe

by ItalianAmericanPodcast


Captain Italia T-Shirt
Main Tag:  

Description: More Italian Americans served in the US armed forces during WWII than any other ethnic group... so wouldn’t it seem more likely that a paesan would have been selected for the “Super Soldier” project over a guy named Steve?

Tags: avengers, captain america, comics, italian, italian american

Captain Italia

by ItalianAmericanPodcast


Main Tag:  

Description: The Irish ain’t the only ones with FIGHT in em! Show your Gaelic friends we Italians aren’t afraid to roll up our sleeves when we need to with this reimagined take on one of the more famous mascots in college history.

Tags: college, fightin irish, irish, italian american, italian flag


by ItalianAmericanPodcast


Italian American Boxing Champions T-Shirt
Main Tag:  

Description: Over the years, thousands of Italian Americans have proudly worn the world championships of the "sweet science"... from Marciano to Mancini and everyone in between, now the Italian American fight fans out there can rep those legends in this awesome retro design.

Tags: boxer, boxing, boxing club, italian american, italian flag

Italian American Boxing Champions

by ItalianAmericanPodcast


Cu ‘Na Bona Ciorta! T-Shirt
Main Tag:  

Description: Wanna get lucky? Try the Napulitana way with this lively design capturing the Neapolitan wish for “Bona Ciorta”!

Tags: good luck, italian american, italian power, italian pride, italy

Cu ‘Na Bona Ciorta!

by ItalianAmericanPodcast


Sicilian American Union T-Shirt
Main Tag:  

Description: Calling all Sicilians... show Sicilian American solidarity with this retro-inspired design to unite the sons and daughters of Sicily all over the United States.

Tags: italian, italian american, italian club, italian culture, italian power

Sicilian American Union

by ItalianAmericanPodcast


Italian American Doodle T-Shirt
Main Tag:  

Description: We Italians are a culture of artists... so why not grab your favorite items with this brand-new, 100% Italian American coloring page design to inspire the artist in you! See if you can find all the icons of Italian American culture we’ve included in here, and maybe try your hand at customizing it in your own way!

Tags: american, coloring, coloring book, doodle, italian american

Italian American Doodle

by ItalianAmericanPodcast


Napoletano Lucky Charms! T-Shirt
Main Tag:  

Description: Sure, their cereal has hearts and stars and whatnots... but we’ve got the hand, the horn, the eye and more to bring us all kinds of good luck straight from Bella Napoli!

Tags: italian, italian american, italian culture, italian power, italian pride

Napoletano Lucky Charms!

by ItalianAmericanPodcast


Kingdom of the Two Sicilies T-Shirt
Main Tag:  

Description: Viva Le Due Sicilie! 87% of the Italian American community shares roots in the ancient Kingdom of the Two Siclies- the Regno Delle Due Sicilie- for 730 years, the largest and most important of the old Italian states. Know your story, and then wear this proud crest to share it with the world!

Tags: abruzzo, calabria, due sicilie, italian american, italy

Kingdom of the Two Sicilies

by ItalianAmericanPodcast


Make Sunday Italian Again T-Shirt
Main Tag:  

Description: We think the best thing we Italian Americans can do for this great nation of ours is to spread our love of FAMGLIA, so we’re recommitting ourselves to the cornerstone of a truly tight family… Sunday macaroni with the people we love. Sure, the world’s busier than it’s ever been, but if you too want to pledge yourself to slowing down and enjoying family once-a-week, grab some “Make Sunday Italian Again” gear, call the whole clan, and get up extra early on Sunday to start the sauce (or gravy if you’re on that side of the coin)!

Tags: italian american, italian culture, italian family, italian food, italian pride

Make Sunday Italian Again

by ItalianAmericanPodcast


Happiness is Being Italian American! T-Shirt
Main Tag:  

Description: Happiness is Being Italian American! Fact... Can't get much simpler than that! If you agree, then this retro-inspired design is perfect for YOU!

Tags: american, happiness is, italian american, italian culture, italian power

Happiness is Being Italian American!

by ItalianAmericanPodcast


Oliveskins Football T-Shirt
Main Tag:  

Description: It looks like Washington DC's favorite football club is finally getting a new name! We've meant a lot to this great nation, so maybe we can convince them to consider an Italian American mascot instead!?!? It can't hurt if the "powers that be" see you wearing this awesome new parody design!

Tags: dc, football, italian american, italian culture, italian power

Oliveskins Football

by ItalianAmericanPodcast


Boston Cumpari T-Shirt
Main Tag:  

Description: Calling all Cumpari up in Beantown! We get it... there’s a lotta Irish people up in Boston! But you know what? We Italians have got a pretty great heritage in town as well. So why should our Irish friends get to see their shamrocks out there on the hardwood every game while we get left out? Now, with this Boston Cumpari design, the Italian Americans of Titletown can get in on the action too!

Tags: basketball, boston, boston celtics, boston italian, celtics

Boston Cumpari

by ItalianAmericanPodcast


Italia In My Heart T-Shirt
Main Tag:  

Description: “Open my heart and you will see Graved inside of it, "Italy".” Robert Browning said it best... Italy is always in our hearts, and now, waiting patiently for the day we can once again see our beautiful "Madre Patria", how about showing off Italia in YOUR heart with this fun new design? *All proceeds from this design go to support the Constantinian Order's Italian Hospitals Fund*

Tags: italian, italian american, italian culture, italian flag, italian power

Italia In My Heart

by ItalianAmericanPodcast


Alpha Italiana T-Shirt
Main Tag:  

Description: We all know there is no element on earth stronger than an ITALIAN WOMAN! Every "Donna Italiana" is an Alpha... and now they can show the world!

Tags: alpha female, feminist, italia, italian, italian american

Alpha Italiana

by ItalianAmericanPodcast


Not a Pepper T-Shirt
Main Tag:  

Description: Some call it a curniciello or cornicello, others a corno or corno portafortuna... call it what you want, it’s NOT A PEPPER! Others might get confused, but we Italians know this tiny amulet is the best way to protect against the malocchio! This great new design is based on a certain soft drink brand… which, incidentally, isn’t actually made of pepper either.

Tags: corno, dr pepper, evil eye, good luck, italian american

Not a Pepper

by ItalianAmericanPodcast


Main Tag:  

Description: Tell the world what two countries you love more than anywhere else! Just like our two incredible cultures... Uncle Sam and Italia Turrita make a pretty adorable pair, don’t you think?? *All proceeds from this design go to support the Constantinian Order's Italian Hospitals Fund*

Tags: cartoony, italia, italia turrita, italian american, italian culture


by ItalianAmericanPodcast


Viva L'Italia & God Bless America T-Shirt

Description: We Italian Americans get to love two incredible countries... two special places that need our love and support now more than ever! Let's bring a little smile to the lands we love and say: VIVA L'ITALIA and GOD BLESS AMERICA! Always! *All proceeds from this design go to support the Constantinian Order's Italian Hospitals Fund*

Tags: american flag, god bless america, italia, italian, italian culture

Viva L'Italia & God Bless America

by ItalianAmericanPodcast


Italia Turrita Power! T-Shirt
Main Tag:  

Description: Forza e Coraggio Italiani!! We know Italian Power can bring us through the darkest days! Viva L'Italia and God Bless America! *All proceeds from this design go to support the Constantinian Order's Italian Hospitals Fund*

Tags: italian, italian american, italian culture, italian power, italian pride

Italia Turrita Power!

by ItalianAmericanPodcast


RETRO REVIVAL - Proud Pizzaiolo T-Shirt
Main Tag:  

Description: Wanna tell the world you're "Proud To Be Italian" in throwback style? Why not let our "Proud Pizzaiolo" help you spread the word? We're bringing back this old-school original as part of our RETRO REVIVAL line of classic Italian American pride designs.

Tags: italian american, italian culture, italian power, italian pride, pizza

RETRO REVIVAL - Proud Pizzaiolo

by ItalianAmericanPodcast


ITA-Italia T-Shirt
Main Tag:  

Description: Bold and simple... no better way to wear your Italia Pride on your heart!

Tags: azzurri, italian, italian american, italian flag, italian power


by ItalianAmericanPodcast


SUD-Due Sicilie T-Shirt
Main Tag:  

Description: Bold and simple... no better way to wear your SUD Pride on your heart!

Tags: abruzzo, basilicata, calabria, campania, due sicilie

SUD-Due Sicilie

by ItalianAmericanPodcast


NAP-Napoli T-Shirt
Main Tag:  

Description: Bold and simple... no better way to wear your Napoli Pride on your heart!

Tags: due sicilie, italia, italian, italian american, italian power


by ItalianAmericanPodcast


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