Tank Tops
Description: Don't be consumed by unknowable horror - call out to the feline goddess of love and protection! Join Call of Cthulhu Mystery Program heroines Estelle and Ana in their mission to combat darkness with the power of the light. CthulhuMystery.com
Bast / Bastet - Love is Our Strength, Love is Our Blade Tank Top
by The Nerdy Show Network
$14 $20
Description: Commemorating their 2013 world tour of the premiere ectoplasmic entertainers. Show your love of these positively-charged performers with this high-performance, slime-resistant outerwear*. Design by @joeeatszombie on Instagram *The management cannot verify that the product is in fact high-performance, nor slime resistant.
Description: Don't be consumed by unknowable horror - call out to the feline goddess of love and protection! Join Call of Cthulhu Mystery Program heroines Estelle and Ana in their mission to combat darkness with the power of the light. CthulhuMystery.com
Bast / Bastet - Love is Our Strength, Love is Our Blade Tank Top
by The Nerdy Show Network
$14 $20
Description: A shirt for discerning investigators who don't have the sharpest nose for mystery, but certainly know how to catch the scent of stanky red herring.
Red Herring Coin - The Call of Cthulhu Mystery Program Tank Top
by The Nerdy Show Network
$14 $20
Description: Tired of the “cool kids” trying to convince you or your friends that being a werewolf, vampire, or lagoon goon is “totally rad”? There’s only one answer to those creeps: just say, “NO FANGS!” *Rep America’s #1 social outreach organization for transformation prevention. *Show Twilight fans the errors of their ways *Art by Tony Baldini
Description: Commemorating their 2013 world tour of the premiere ectoplasmic entertainers. Show your love of these positively-charged performers with this high-performance, slime-resistant outerwear*. Design by @joeeatszombie on Instagram *The management cannot verify that the product is in fact high-performance, nor slime resistant.
The Goo Man Group - World Tour - Psychomagnotheric Pink Edition Tank Top
by The Nerdy Show Network
$14 $20
Description: A shirt for discerning investigators who don't have the sharpest nose for mystery, but certainly know how to catch the scent of stanky red herring.
Red Herring Coin - The Call of Cthulhu Mystery Program Tank Top
by The Nerdy Show Network
$14 $20
Description: A shirt for discerning investigators who don't have the sharpest nose for mystery, but certainly know how to catch the scent of stanky red herring.
Red Herring Coin - The Call of Cthulhu Mystery Program Tank Top
by The Nerdy Show Network
$14 $20
Description: Have ye the adventurer’s spirit? Dost thou hunger for legendary quests and savory corn chips? This be the apparel for you! Support your favorite role playing podcast, Dungeons & Doritos by donning this fine garment and wow your friends with its totally METAL art by Local-Shop and Cap. It’s even work safe …until you explain it to your boss. Art by Local-Shop and Cap! Featuring all 4 heroes & the supporting cast! +1 charisma Shield your body from crumbs