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Lord Of The Rings Tank Tops for Sale

The Ring Goes South Tank Top

Description: The Company of the Ring shall be Nine

Tags: bridge, bridge across rivendell, fantasy, fellowship, fellowship of the ring

The Ring Goes South Tank Top

by DesignedbyWizards


Hike the Beautiful Mount Doom • Lord of the Rings • National Parks Tank Top

Description: Have you ever hiked Mount Doom? When you do, make sure to bring a friend named Sam.

Tags: dragon, fantasy, gandalf, hike, hobbit
Sauron Division Tank Top

Description: Art developed by the illustrator and designer Juliano Caetano ( ) from RedBug, Brasil. I hope you enjoy!

Tags: gandalf, joy division, mordor, tolkien, unknown pleasures
Roses of the Broken Sword Tank Top

Description: Black and White version of Roses of the Broken Sword. Inspired by floral tattoo art, and how the shards of Narsil may have lain all those years in Rivendell.

Tags: tolkien, legolas, shards of narsil, anduril, frodo
van Gogh Never Passed Tank Top

Description: My painting, van Gogh Never Passed, in beautiful full saturated color on everything from shirts to mugs to pillows!

Tags: hobbit, rbrow, painting, flame, van gogh

van Gogh Never Passed Tank Top

by sagittariusgallery


Ride the Breathtaking Plains of Rohan • Lord of the Rings • National Parks Tank Top

Description: If you decide to embark on our two-hour horseback tour of the grasslands of Middle Earth, you may be lucky enough to spy the famous Horse-lords of Rohan cantering in the distance. Closed-toe shoes and long pants are a requirement. And no, you cannot ride Shadowfax.

Tags: dragon, fantasy, frodo, gandalf, hike
The Rings - Funny Tank Top

Description: Rings - Hobbit - Funny. Amazing design fitting for people who love fantasy and magic. It can also be given as a gift for your boyfriend, girlfriend or friend that loves fantasy books.

Tags: baggins, bilbo, fellowship of the ring, frodo, gandalf

The Rings - Funny Tank Top

by Fenay Designs


Choose wisely Tank Top
Tags: mordor, ring, funny, parody, gandalf

Choose wisely Tank Top

by karlangas


The Wizard's Flame Tank Top

Description: A light in dark places.

Tags: hobbit, wizard, tolkien, magic, gandalf

The Wizard's Flame Tank Top

by Thistle Moon


The Fellowship Tank Top

Description: You have my sword... and my bow... and my axe

Tags: tolkien, frodo, middle earth, aragorn, the ring
Misty Mountains Tank Top

Description: The Misty Mountains, also named Hithaeglir, was a mountain range that ran 1280 kilometres (796 miles) from Mount Gundabad in the far north to Methedras in the south between Eriador and the valley of the Anduin and Rhovanion. The range's notable peaks were Caradhras, Celebdil, Fanuidhol, Mount Gundabad, and Methedras. The most important passes were the High Pass and the Redhorn Pass. There was also a pass at the source of the Gladden river. The Misty Mountains were created by Melkor during the Time of the Trees, who wanted to make it difficult for Oromë, who often rode across Middle-earth hunting his fell beasts, to pass.

Tags: aspen, black diamond, hobbit, lift ticket, lotr

Misty Mountains Tank Top

by MindsparkCreative


Power of Rings Tank Top

Description: Inspired in Galadriel and Rings of Power

Tags: rings, elrond, galadriel, nori, orcs

Power of Rings Tank Top

by Galhardo Art


The Prancing Pony Inn and Pub Tank Top

Description: The Prancing Pony Inn and Pub is owned and operated by one Barliman Butterbur. This popular meeting spot is home to some of the finest pints of ale this side of Middle-Earth. Ask about our new Hobbit-sized rooms!

Tags: ale, beer, frodo, gandalf, hobbit
The Fellowship Tank Top

Description: The fellowship of the ring sheet music fanart

Tags: two towers, return of the king, lotr, bilbo, fellowship of the ring

The Fellowship Tank Top

by cinefille


Epic Duel in Stained Glass - A Fierce Maiden and a Dark Wraith - Fantasy Tank Top

Description: Journey to a mystical landscape encased within ornate stained glass. A towering figure adorned with a crown of dark spires stands protectively beside a golden-haired warrior, blades unsheathed and ready. Cloud-swathed mountains rise in the backdrop as the sun casts an illuminating glow. This piece, rich in detail and symbolism, resonates deeply with aficionados of epic tales and age-old legends, weaving a story of unity and courage without uttering a word. Ideal for those drawn to enchanting and noble sagas.

Tags: aragorn, dnd, dungeons and dragons, eowyn, fantasy
lord of the rings Tank Top

Description: lord of the rings

Tags: gandalf, hobbit, frodo, tolkien

lord of the rings Tank Top

by Ninola Design


Sword of the Shieldmaiden Tank Top

Description: Inspired by floral tattoo art, and the Athelas herb that was used to heal Eowyn in the houses of healing.

Tags: tolkien fan, tolkien fandom, middle earth, i am no man, tolkien
The Ring Tank Top

Description: Artwork based on book and movie series Lord Of The Rings .

Tags: movie, rings of power, one ring to rule them all, bilbo, lord of the ring

The Ring Tank Top

by constantine2454


Lembas Bread Tank Top

Description: "One small bite is enough to fill the stomach of a grown man."

Tags: lotr, hobbit, elves, middle earth

Lembas Bread Tank Top

by CoryFreemanDesign


Blood of Harad Tank Top

Description: Haradrim/Mumakil inspired Mandala design!

Tags: lotr, aragorn, the lord of the rings, haradrim symbol, mumakil

Blood of Harad Tank Top

by Icewreath


White Tree Of Gondor Tank Top

Description: Lord of the rings

Tags: frodo, tolkien, bilbo, gondor, boromir
Lilies for the Kings of Men Tank Top

Description: Lilies for the Kings of Men is inspired by floral tattoo art, and is a mournful piece in the the style of being in memory of the kings who became ringwraiths.

Tags: wraith, undead, floral, floral design, flower
Roses of the Broken Sword Tank Top

Description: Colour version of Roses of the Broken Sword. Inspired by floral tattoo art, and how the shards of Narsil may have lain all those years in Rivendell.

Tags: sword, fantasy, minas tirith, return of the king, tolkien
Fangorn University Tank Top

Description: Get fluent in Entish in just 120 years!

Tags: treebeard, ent, forest, fangorn, pippin
Light of Morgul Tank Top

Description: Mandala design based on the light from the tower of Minas Morgul.

Tags: nazgul, fans, dol guldur, fanart, mount doom
Mystical Sunrise Journey - Fantasy Tank Top

Description: Immerse in the captivating silhouette of an iconic wizard with his signature staff, accompanied by a brave traveler, both gazing into a brilliant sunrise. Parallel golden lines converge into a radiant orb, illuminating their path. The crimson horizon and shadowy figures invoke tales of grand quests and old-world magics. A must-have emblem for enthusiasts of timeless epic adventures, and those seeking camaraderie in legendary journeys.

Tags: aragorn, bilbo, bilbo baggins, fantasy, gandalf
The Prancing Pony Tank Top

Description: The Prancing Pony (i.e. the Inn of the Prancing Pony) was an inn in Bree where Frodo Baggins, Sam, Pippin, and Merry first met Strider. The Prancing Pony was based inside the central hub of the town, near stables and various merchant stalls. Since Bree was built on the major road of the Greenway, it was a fairly well-traveled inn, and was so accustomed to hobbits that designated hobbit-rooms had been built. Barliman Butterbur was the inkeeper at the time of the War of the Ring. Nob and Bob were two hobbits that worked under him: Nob was a general servant, and Bob was as a ostler, tending to the horses and ponies.

Tags: the shire, golum, dragon, the green dragon, prancing pony

The Prancing Pony Tank Top

by MindsparkCreative


Moria Mining Company II - Logo - Fantasy Tank Top

Description: Introducing the evocative "Moria Mining Company" insignia. A majestic blue-hued miner stands center, dynamically wielding a pickaxe amidst radiant arcs. Intricate patterns adorn him, while gleaming gold highlights depict deep treasures. Bold white lettering contrasts starkly against a rich backdrop, alluding to mining excellence. This emblem speaks to all enchanted by vast underground adventures and the allure of legendary cavern tales. A must-have for those fascinated by lore-rich mining sagas and ancient legacies.

Tags: aragorn, dwarf, dwarves, fantasy, gandalf
J.R.R. Tolkien Tank Top

Description: J.R.R. Tolkien

Tags: two towers, jrr tolkien, mordor, bilbo, legolas

J.R.R. Tolkien Tank Top

by siriusreno


Isengard Fighting Uruk-Hai Tank Top

Description: Our Armor is Thick and Our Shields are Broad!

Tags: two towers, return of the king, middle earth, tolkeen, ork
Shall Not Pass Tank Top

Description: art inspired on the scene of Gandalf vs Balrog.

Tags: tolkien, fellowship, gandalf, balrog, ring

Shall Not Pass Tank Top

by Galhardo Art


Fangorn Forest National Park - Home of the Ent Trees! Tank Top

Description: Fangorn Forest National Park - Home of the Ent Trees!

Tags: camp, camping, explore, hiking, landscape
The green dragon Tank Top

Description: For the bold and true!

Tags: tolkien, middle earth, lotr, dragon
The Journey of a Thousand Miles Begins with a Single Step - Fellowship Tank Top

Description: Amazing design of the fellowship by a colorful sunset and the words The Journey of a Thousand Miles Begins with a Single Step. Fitting for people who love fantasy and magic. It can also be given as a gift for your boyfriend, girlfriend or friend that loves fantasy books.

Tags: baggins, bilbo, fantasy, fellowship of the ring, frodo
Ent - Dont be Hasty II - Fantasy Tank Top

Description: Amazing design of an ent and the phrase 'Don´t be Hasty'. Fitting for people who love fantasy and magic. It can also be given as a gift for your boyfriend, girlfriend or friend that loves fantasy books.

Tags: baggins, bilbo, fantasy, fellowship, fellowship of the ring
The Last Homely House - Waterfall - Fantasy Tank Top

Description: Amazing design of the last homely house, in the valley of the elves. Fitting for people who love fantasy and magic. It can also be given as a gift for your boyfriend, girlfriend or friend that loves fantasy books.

Tags: baggins, bilbo, fantasy, fellowship, fellowship of the ring
From The Shire to Mordor we have the greatest Lord of the Rings tank tops in Middle Earth. Hand crafted by elves and forged in the mines of Moria, let your nerd shine with these designs.

Tank FAQ

Where can I find other lord of the rings designs? Expand or collapse section.
In addition to lord of the rings designs, you can explore the marketplace for frodo, fantasy, and bilbo designs sold by independent artists.
What material is this item made of? Expand or collapse section.

100% combed ringspun cotton. Unisex sizing and loose drape design for relaxed fit. Heather is a cotton/poly blend

What USA ship methods are available? Expand or collapse section.

UPS MI Domestic (6-8 Business Days)

FedEx 2-Day (4-6 Business Days)

Estimates include printing and processing time.More Shipping Info

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