Description: Programmers and developers who are familiar with JavaScript know the NPM commands. Like most coders, if you run of coffee, how cool would it be to just make coffee with an NPM command. This design could also be appealing to web developers and programmers in angular, open source, react, webpack, gulpjs and bootstrap.
Description: You can't live without the Sudo Linux command. It can give you previlidges and elevate you to be a god of the Linux OS. This is a simple Linux command joke. How cool would it be if you just make coffee with just a Sudo command. The Sudo sandwitch joke is considered sexist, get this funny Linux command design now.
Description: This is the not the 1st time Trump has made a typo. Earlier it was Covfefe and now it's Hamberders (Hamburgers). If you are democrat and anti-trump, you will love this design. Impeach 45 or resist trump funny parody t-shirt. If you are against the Mexico wall and against many policies of the US president and a fan of Bernie Sanders and Obama, this is the right design for you. Gift of democats and want funny hilarious Trump merchandise.
Description: "Powered by Coffee" is one other way of saying that you have a coffee addiction. If you can't live without caffeine and coffee is what keeps you sane and running all day, then this is the perfect fit for you. It doesn't matter what type or flavour you choose whether it is latte, mocha, decaf, espresso, the fact remains the same that you are fueled by coffee and sugar. This could just be the perfect gift for caffeine addicts, and coffee lovers who can't do anything in the morning before having a cup of coffee.
Description: The Flying Spaghetti Monster is the Lord and savior of all the true followers of Pastafarianism. However, this design can be suitable even atheists, agnostics and non religious free-thinkers. Pastafarianism is a parody religion however a legally registered religion in the United States. If you love listening to Hitchens, or Dawkins bashing organised religions and their evils, you will love this design suitable for skeptics, humanists and anti-religious person.