Description: from the Kids Picture Book The Day Ana Fell
$17 $23
$18 $24
Description: Alien Xenomorph
Description: Vintage Rocket man with ads
Description: The Creature from the Black Lagoon in Blue
Description: Profile of the Creature from the Black Lagoon
Description: Gelli print of Retro Robot Toy
Description: The universal wolf-man
Description: Cover for HG Wells The Island Of Dr Moreau
Description: Inspired by the Classic Movie
Description: The Crimson Ghost
Description: The Crimson Ghost from the old serial and Misfits fame
Description: It's not Igor, It's Ygor
Description: Cover of my picture book "The Hunt!"
Description: From my picture book "The Hunt!" Available to purchase on Amazon
Description: Figrin D'an and the Modal Nodes
Description: Smooth cantina sounds by Figrin D'an
Description: Figrin D'an and the modal nodes
Description: That time of the year!
Description: Happy Halloween!
Description: Happy Halloween
Description: Nadja doll in magenta
Description: Nadja doll
Description: Good ole' Jack
Description: Johnny Lawrence in skeleton costume
Description: Here he comes!
Description: Head of a man
Description: triple threat
Description: Jumping into action!
Description: Ultraman jumps into action!
Description: Ultraman!
Description: Here comes Ultraman!
Description: The mummy
Description: Nevermore
Description: inspired by his Sober video
Description: He can't get the faces right
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