Description: Mushroom Dream
$13 $19
Description: Melting Thoughts
Description: On a beautiful cold night in the tropics everything is possible. Cerrado's Energy guide me to myself...
Description: Driving through LA streets...
Description: Follow Your Way
Description: Everything is connected. Everything is a sintonia
Description: Welcome to the most colorful season of the year!
$15 $23
Description: When the deepest feelings arise...
Description: Daydreaming all the time...
Description: The Cerrado Trees
Description: Abiqua Falls these days...
Description: The Cerrado trees...
Description: The night has its misteries...
Description: It's winter in the tropics...
Description: silent movement
Description: Entering
Description: Madah
Description: Torres
Description: Equinox
Description: In a magical world...
$14 $21
Description: Projections
Description: Heat
Description: Intensity
Description: Atacama Feelings
Description: New Age.
Description: Girar
Description: Sinergia
Description: In The Way
Description: Fluid movement
Description: It takes a lot of courage to move on. Let's keep moving...
Description: Introspective backpacking in the middle of nature. Time to reflect and move on.
Description: In a beautiful day of autumn...
Description: Learning how to live properly, accepting the reality as it is. Flowing and changing. Changing and flowing. Flowing-Changing.
Description: A journey through the driest desert in the World
Description: A wild trippy morning...
Description: Tropical feels
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