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Aberration T-Shirt

Description: Aberration

Tags: rust, tools, rain tools, collection, old
resized poster T-Shirt
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Description: resized poster

Tags: cassandradolen
Hearer of Nocturnal Hearts T-Shirt

Description: Hearer of Nocturnal Hearts

Tags: serval, cats
The Scarlet Tree and the Little Blue Island T-Shirt

Description: Love and yearning for the ocean, arbutus and little islands.

Tags: walnut oil, british columbia, ocean, sea, water
The King of the Cats T-Shirt

Description: A painting I did after my friend of 20 yrs got so sick I thought I might lose him (my cat Chip-dip)....turned out he only had a birds entire head, beak and all stuck in his intestines for 3 days. So I ended up with this portrait anyway. Please visit my facebook gallery page :

Tags: cassandra dolen
What we Leave Behind T-Shirt

Description: What we Leave Behind

Tags: british columbia, canada islands, ocean
'I wait for you like a lonely house' T-Shirt

Description: 'I wait for you like a lonely house'

Tags: cassandradolen
The Giants Garden T-Shirt
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Description: The Cheewhat giant ,... a tree I have painted before. the largest tree in Canada lives on Vancouver Island still. These magnificent giants are so rare and so awe-inspiring to be in the presence of,...and a reminder of a time when the whole island was covered with them. 4' x 3' Walnut oil

Tags: cedar, vancouver island, cassandra dolen, british columbia, forest
'Flying to Nicola' T-Shirt
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Description: Upper Nicola , a small town built 115 years ago that still stands. Just before reaching Nicola Lake British Columbia. Original is still available at

Tags: british columbia, canada, cassandra dolen, oil, merritt
The Hiding Monarch T-Shirt

Description: This giant, ancient cedar is on Vancouver Island, British Columbia. The title comes from the fact that what probably saved this kingly tree from logging over the years was that it is growing in an inaccessible part of the island. I used the photos of T.J. Watt at the Ancient Forest Alliance as references.

Tags: cheewat giant, cedar, cheewhat, oil, vancouver island
'Love that Fires the Sun, Keep me burning' T-Shirt

Description: 2' x3' (ft) walnut oil A beautiful line from a Bruce Cockburn song that refused to leave me until I painted it. The golden door is in California, a natural formation that when the sun aligns with it is like an invitation into a glorious new world.

Tags: oil, sun, golden door, beach, ocean sea
Music is oxygen T-Shirt
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Description: I worked from a photo I took of Conner Defeo playing with Oxygen Orcestrar at the Princeton Traditional folk festival 2015

Tags: brass, music, cassandra dolen
'Shared Solitude' T-Shirt
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Description: 'Shared Solitude'

Tags: british columbia, cassandra dolen
When the River Opens her Mouth T-Shirt

Description: When the River Opens her Mouth

Tags: cassandradolen
I love not man the less, but nature more T-Shirt

Description: I love not man the less, but nature more

Tags: cassandradolen
Forest Music T-Shirt

Description: The Cheewat Giant, the largest cedar in Canada lives on Vancouver Island. 3' x 4' Walnut Oil Cassandra Dolen

Tags: walnut oil, cheewat giant, cedar, merritt, brambles bakery
'Swallows Circle in Shimmering Light' T-Shirt

Description: A small spring-fed pond home to muskrats, dragonflies, frogs, ducks and one glorious day, barn swallows... aerodynamic stars of the bird world

Tags: merritt, swallow art, pond, nicola valley, swallow
The Salmon Eaters T-Shirt

Description: Sea wolves live on the west coast of British Columbia that swim, and fish in the ocean.

Tags: cassandradolen
How gloriously the sun greets the mountains (John Muir) T-Shirt

Description: How gloriously the sun greets the mountains (John Muir)

Tags: cassandradolen
My Secret Sea T-Shirt
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Description: 5 x 2.5' walnut oil

Tags: sea, cassandradolen, pacific, westcoast, island
The Waiting Place T-Shirt

Description: The Waiting Place

Tags: cassandradolen
The Queen of Bohemia T-Shirt

Description: 5' x 2.5' Walnut oil and gold foil Cassandra Dolen 2016

Tags: brambles bakery, merritt
Cry me a river T-Shirt

Description: Coldwater river, British columbia, Canada

Tags: river, wild, british columbia, canada, nature
Kick at the darkness till it bleeds daylight T-Shirt

Description: A favorite line from Bruce Cockburns' poetry

Tags: oil, west coast, british columbia
Journey Across the Himalayas T-Shirt

Description: Journey Across the Himalayas

Tags: oil, himalayas, mountains, goat, ethnic
Journey to the Singing Island T-Shirt

Description: Journey to the Singing Island

Tags: ocean, sea, vancouver island, british columbia, artist
Medieval Max T-Shirt

Description: Medieval Max

Tags: horse, animals, medieval, friesen
Mayhem in the Garden T-Shirt

Description: Mayhem in the Garden

Tags: mayhem in the garden, merritt, british columbia art, merritt art
'The Hills are Alive' T-Shirt

Description: 'The Hills are Alive'

Tags: cassandradolen
The Bluebirds Garden T-Shirt

Description: The Bluebirds Garden

Tags: garden, cottage, flowers
'The Encounter' T-Shirt

Description: I wanted this wolf to be healthy, and curious but not intimidating, A moment of respect shared deep in the winter forest before going his own way, unharmed. The original is 4' x 5' (Oil) to hold the power of the size of this wild encounter.

Tags: wolf art, wolf, oil painting, wild grey wolf
The Escape T-Shirt
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Description: The Escape

Tags: cassandra dolen, oil, forestfire, fish, global warming
When the River Changes her Mind T-Shirt

Description: A wild river reserves the right to change her course as happened with the extensive flooding of the little Coldwater River in the Nicola Valley, British Columbia in the past year.

Tags: coldwater river, nicola valley, oil painting, british columbia
The Earth Delights to feel your Bare Feet T-Shirt

Description: The Earth Delights to feel your Bare Feet

Tags: cassandradolen
The Hiding Hare T-Shirt

Description: The Hiding Hare

Tags: hare, rabbit
Mates for life T-Shirt

Description: About birds (and people) that stick together and support each other through this precarious and unsteady life. Cassandra Dolen Gallery on facebook

Tags: cassandradolen
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