Description: Person + Woman + Man + Camera + TV = stable genius
Description: Not to be too cheesy, but I think we're already pretty grate.
Description: Speak your mind, while you still can!
Description: In an age where ignorance and oppression seem to be spreading at the speed of dark, hold the light of liberty and freedom high, let it shine!
Description: c'mon people. when has banning books (or burning them!) EVER solved anything? WAKE UP
Description: Freedom of speech. Use it or lose it.
Description: Truck Fump. Voice your opinion - while you still can.
Description: So many wackadoos, so little time
Description: Stand with Puerto Rico
Description: It's possible to be positive and supportive yet still be a resistor. Don't give in!
Description: Why be afraid? You've got one shot at this!
Description: Remember the basic tenets of the USA
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