Mother/daughter team who've both been geeks since before it was cool. Art & design are in our blood. Obsessed with Plants, Fantasy, & Romance Novels.
Caras Galadhon, Lothlórien, Middle Earth
Main Tag:
Description: If you are a fan of Jane Austen, rainbows, plants, and want to show your pride, this is the design for you!
Pride & Plantyness Pin
Rainbow Fields v1 Pin
My Tineke Pin
Main Tag:
Description: A shirt for all the Pot Heads out there who love plants and...you know...POTs! Hey, we don't judge!
Pot Head - v2 Pin
Main Tag:
Description: If you are a fan of rainbows, plants, and want to show your pride, this is the design for you!
Plant Pride! Pin
Bite Me! v1 Pin
Bite Me! v2 Pin