Description: Black and white drawing of a man holding a venus flytrap and his pet fly.
Description: Black and white illustration. Oh to be braver.
Description: Black and white illustration. Is the pen is mightier than the sword?
Description: Black and white illustration. Just sitting around.
Description: Black and white illustration. Inspired, in a way, by Peter Kropotkin's book.
Description: Black and white illustration. Who has the power?
Description: Black and white illustration.
Description: Black and white illustration. If you can't see because of the masks ...
Description: Black and white illustration. What was achieved?
Description: Black and white illustration. Beware the fungi.
Description: Black and white illustration. The toy robots are stealing everything.
Description: Black and white illustration. Attraction can be dangerous.
Description: Black and white illustration. Safe behind the wall.
Description: Black and white illustration. Don't fly too close to the sun.
Description: Black and white illustration. Sometimes being over protective just gets in the way.
Description: Black and white illustration. Watch where you're walking.
Description: Black and white illustration. Sometimes more effort is just not enough
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