Description: It's time for a new kind of superhero. There's no need to fear. Captain Martini is here!
Captain Martini
Description: London has the coolest werewolves with their perfect hair, tailored suits and fabulous cocktails. God save the King...
London Werewolf
Swear Jar
Description: Radiation can create monsters. If it happened with a lizard, it can happen with a squirrel.
Description: If you ever wait on a cow, you'll discover they're generous tippers. They really like to throw dough around!
Cow Tipping
Description: A cocktail and its effect or consequences. That my friends, is Cocktail Karma.
Cocktail Karma
Description: Alligators always know when it's time to leave. Usually after a quick bite...
Later Gator
Only Loves Dogs
Description: Maybe you love heavy metal music or maybe your head is made of solid steel. Either way, bang your head!
Metal Head
Description: So is it "Hi, how are you?" or "How high are you?" Either way, let this design do the talking.
Low & Slow
Shama Llama