Helloooo! im Luc and i like to add a bit of fun and color to the world with crazy worlds & characters . Enjoy my designs on instagram too if you like!
All deeplings live on a plant based diet. However they are too busy stealing shiny things to actually grow some for themselves. So they buy them with stolen potatoes at your local supermarket.
Djinn became a dying breed after many of the other species started to mine the crystals that kept their world alive. Now the ones that are left are wandering the world trying to reclaim the stolen crystals.
Djinn are born with long hair. The older the get the shorter their hair becomes. The hair of Djinn also doesnt fall out. it will be completely gone when they become adults at about 85 earth years.
From child to adult the smiling demon is a terrifying being. As far back as the books of Oyama go there has been only one sighting of an adult smiling demon. And may that be the last.
A very old and ancient race dwells deep in halls under the Thunderplains. Always carrying two emotions on their face, spreading chaos throughout the world.
A suspicious dude seemingly always hitchhiking the same road u tend to take no matter where u are. A bad or a good omen? At least he carries a cold one all the time, so you decide.
A suspicious dude seemingly always hitchhiking the same road u tend to take no matter where u are. A bad or a good omen? At least he carries a cold one all the time, so you decide.
Now this guy has the right voice for every occasion. you thought you had him shut his face think again. This guy also doesn't work alone, scumbag squad seriously has to watch their potatoes. .
The Nr 1 gun shop in the region. Many potato heists have been made a succes with the legendary tools from this place. Go there now and get ur stuff oiled n polished.