Description: Sometimes the world works against you and you just have to wait for those updates to finish... dont forget to restart and eat chips while waiting.
Franky boi Sticker
Croco Collector Sticker
Description: Bobby beach boi isnt a regular beach visitor. Sand in the shoes and a casual sun burn aint his thing. But as a professional you just have to go in style.
Bobby beach boi Sticker
Adult deepling Sticker
Description: From an early age the little ones of the Deep have an on point sneaker game. They also like shiny stuff.
The deepling Sticker
Description: Djinn became a dying breed after many of the other species started to mine the crystals that kept their world alive. Now the ones that are left are wandering the world trying to reclaim the stolen crystals.
Adult Djinn Sticker
Description: Djinn are born with long hair. The older the get the shorter their hair becomes. The hair of Djinn also doesnt fall out. it will be completely gone when they become adults at about 85 earth years.
Teenage Djinn Sticker
Description: These little poppers are up to no good, always causing trouble in the neighborhood.
Bullet bullies Sticker
Description: This snake wanted to have arms so bad he asked a smart Professorman to make him a pair. Also he likes ankles.
Cyber snake Sticker
Description: Now this guy has the right voice for every occasion. you thought you had him shut his face think again. This guy also doesn't work alone, scumbag squad seriously has to watch their potatoes. .
Ya boi Croc Sticker
Wrong class item Sticker
Description: This smart little pot travels around and provides any needing traveler with some hot liquid of choice.
Tea time Sticker
Description: Its never to early for a nice little coffee break on those galactic adventures.
Coffee break Sticker
Blanka Sticker
Description: The brain, it keeps track of everything that happens in the universe. So if u are on his naughty list there will be no potatoes for you!
The Brain Sticker
Description: The fun collector comes around taking away all your potatoes. Better not show any signs of fun around this guy.
The Collector Sticker
Description: The fun collector comes around taking away all your potatoes. Better not show any signs of fun around this guy.
The Collector Sticker