Description: lucha libre photographer
Description: Don't shake it
Description: idk
Description: A design featuring a photo I took of Minoru Suzuki
Description: Backyard Wrestling 2
Description: Puroresu
Description: the great muta
Description: A picture I took of wrestler Raven at a local wrestling show with lyrics from his ECW theme.
Description: A polaroid picture I took at a Lucha themed restaurant
Description: jushin thunder liger
Description: IWA Japan King of the Deathmatch
Description: The greatest luchador
Description: SWO 4 LIFE
Description: Design based of the infamous ox baker cleveland riot
Description: A portrait shot of my daryl takahashi plush.
Description: A shirt based off of AIW WrestleRager4 using images I took at the event.
Description: A vintage looking picture I took at a local independent wrestling show.
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