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Baseball T-Shirts

Iridescent Dionysus Baseball T-Shirt

Description: Dionysus is the gateway to ecstasy. He holds his thyrsus as the Maenads dance and drum in the wilderness.

Tags: ecstasy, god, minoan, pagan, thyrsus

Iridescent Dionysus Baseball T-Shirt

$20 $26

00 days

Dark Ariadne: Lady of the Labyrinth Baseball T-Shirt

Description: The Minoan goddess Ariadne treads the Labyrinth in the World Below, guiding souls to their destiny. She is the Queen of the Dead, the Lady of the Labyrinth.

Tags: dark, goddess, labrys, labyrinth, minoan
The Archanes Fourni Ring Baseball T-Shirt

Description: Modern art interpretation of the ritual scene on the Minoan seal ring from Archanes Fourni.

Tags: ritual, priest, priestess, wicca, wiccan

The Archanes Fourni Ring Baseball T-Shirt

$20 $26

00 days

Freyja Baseball T-Shirt

Description: The Norse goddess Freyja, glowing with power, with sword and spindle both in hand.

Tags: freya, goddess, norse, wicca, spirituality

Freyja Baseball T-Shirt

$20 $26

00 days

Minoan Midwinter Baseball T-Shirt

Description: At Winter Solstice, the divine child Dionysus is born to the Great Mother Goddess Rhea in her sacred cave on Crete. The Kouretes dance and clash their swords on their shields while the Horned Ones look on.

Tags: midwinter, winter solstice, dionysus, rhea, divine child

Minoan Midwinter Baseball T-Shirt

$20 $26

00 days

The Tiryns Ring Baseball T-Shirt

Description: Three figures perform a ritual on my modern art rendition of the scene from the Tiryns seal ring.

Tags: wicca, wiccan, pagan, spirituality, ritual

The Tiryns Ring Baseball T-Shirt

$20 $26

00 days

Amalthea: Lady of the Cornucopia Baseball T-Shirt

Description: All good things flow from the goddess Amalthea's cornucopia.

Tags: goddess, minoan, cornucopia, horns, wicca
Therasia: Minoan Goddess of the Sun Baseball T-Shirt

Description: The Minoan Sun Goddess Therasia walks beneath the blazing Sun, accompanied by her griffin, with her sacred palm trees in the distance.

Tags: minoan, goddess, wicca, wiccan, pagan
Sun Mother's Seal Baseball T-Shirt
Main Tag:  

Description: Mandala-style seal in honor of the Sun Goddess Therasia.

Tags: goddess, therasia, minoan, bee, solar

Sun Mother's Seal Baseball T-Shirt

$20 $26

00 days

The Last Priestess of Malia Baseball T-Shirt

Description: Cover illustration for my novel The Last Priestess of Malia, showing the title character.

Tags: priestess, malia, knossos, crete, wicca

The Last Priestess of Malia Baseball T-Shirt

$20 $26

00 days

The Morrigan: Great Queen Baseball T-Shirt

Description: The Morrigan, Irish goddess of war, fate, and sovereignty. She is attended by her ravens and a red heifer.

Tags: irish, celtic, goddess, spirituality, raven

The Morrigan: Great Queen Baseball T-Shirt

$20 $26

00 days

The Isopata Ring Baseball T-Shirt

Description: A vibrant modern art interpretation of the ancient Minoan gold seal ring from Isopata showing priestesses dancing in ritual.

Tags: goddess, seal, ring, trance, spirituality

The Isopata Ring Baseball T-Shirt

$20 $26

00 days

The Ring of Minos: Minoan Seal Ring Project Baseball T-Shirt

Description: My modern art interpretation of the Ring of Minos, a Minoan gold seal ring from Knossos that shows a ritual scene on the waterfront.

Tags: knossos, crete, goddess, spirituality, ancient
Pale Ariadne: Lady of the Labyrinth Baseball T-Shirt

Description: Ariadne leads us through the Labyrinth to find the secrets that lie within.

Tags: goddess, minoan, labyrinth
The Amnisos Ring Baseball T-Shirt

Description: My modern art version of the Minoan gold seal ring from Amnisos that depicts an ancient ship ceremony.

Tags: crete, knossos, ancient, ship, seal

The Amnisos Ring Baseball T-Shirt

$20 $26

00 days

Flying Griffin and Goddess Baseball T-Shirt

Description: My interpretation of a gold seal ring from Tholos Tomb B in the Minoan cemetery at Phourni. The griffin and goddess fly through a mythical setting, surrounded by orbs of light.

Tags: griffin, minoan, ancient, spirituality, myth

Flying Griffin and Goddess Baseball T-Shirt

$20 $26

00 days

Thumia's Seal Baseball T-Shirt

Description: The Minoan goddess celebrates with a beautiful garland of red lilies. Art based on an ancient Minoan seal from Hagia Triada.

Tags: minoan, goddess, crete, knossos, ancient

Thumia's Seal Baseball T-Shirt

$20 $26

00 days

Mother of the Rocks Baseball T-Shirt

Description: Inspired by the Running Horned Woman prehistoric art from Algeria combined with images and beings I encountered in spirit journeys.

Tags: paleolithic, cave are, prehistoric

Mother of the Rocks Baseball T-Shirt

$20 $26

00 days

Minoan Mandala Baseball T-Shirt

Description: Colorful Minoan-themed mandala with labryses, sacred horns, lilies, crocuses, and spirals.

Tags: labrys, lilies, crocus, sacred, horns

Minoan Mandala Baseball T-Shirt

$20 $26

00 days

Ariadne's Tribe logo with Minoan lilies fresco Baseball T-Shirt

Description: The Ariadne's Tribe logo featuring the famous Malia bee pendant. The background is a detail of the Lilies fresco from the Minoan port town of Amnisos, which served Knossos and nearby areas. Proceeds from sales of Tribe logo merch go to the Board of Directors for official expenses. Proceeds from all other art in this Redbubble shop go to the artist.

Tags: tribe, minoan, lilies, ancient, pagan
18 The Moon from The Minoan Tarot Baseball T-Shirt

Description: The artwork from the Moon card in the Major Arcana of The Minoan Tarot by Laura Perry. The moon shines reflected light on us all.

Tags: tarot, moon, divination, spirituality, wiccan
Ariadne's Tribe Official Logo in Aegean Blue Baseball T-Shirt

Description: Official logo of Ariadne's Tribe in Aegean blue. Proceeds from sales of Tribe logo merch go to the Board of Directors for official expenses. Proceeds from all other art in this Redbubble shop go to the artist.

Tags: tribe, modern, minoan, paganism, spirituality
Ariadne's Tribe Official Logo Baseball T-Shirt

Description: Official logo of Ariadne's Tribe featuring the Malia bee pendant. Proceeds from sales of Tribe logo merch go to the Board of Directors for official expenses. Proceeds from all other art in this Redbubble shop go to the artist.

Tags: tribe, modern, minoan, paganism, spirituality

Ariadne's Tribe Official Logo Baseball T-Shirt

$20 $26

00 days

19 The Sun from The Minoan Tarot Baseball T-Shirt
Main Tag:  

Description: The artwork from the Sun card in The Minoan Tarot by Laura Perry. Bees cluster around the Sun in an image inspired by the Malia bee pendant.

Tags: tarot, minoan, divination, bee, spirituality
Ariadne's Tribe Rainbow Flag Logo Baseball T-Shirt

Description: The Ariadne's Tribe logo on the rainbow Pride flag. Ariadne's Tribe is a welcoming tradition, open to all who share our love for the Minoan deities and respect for our fellow human beings. We support the QUILTBAG community year round. Proceeds from sales of Tribe logo merch go to the Board of Directors for official expenses. Proceeds from all other art in this Redbubble shop go to the artist.

Tags: paganism, pagan, spirituality, goddess, wicca
7 The Chariot from The Minoan Tarot Baseball T-Shirt
Main Tag:  

Description: The artwork from the Chariot card in The Minoan Tarot by Laura Perry. Two goddesses ride in a chariot drawn by a fabulous griffin.

Tags: chariot, minoan, divination, pagan, wiccan
11 Strength from The Minoan Tarot Baseball T-Shirt

Description: The artwork from the Strength card in the Major Arcana of The Minoan Tarot by Laura Perry. The bull leaper takes the bull by the horns!

Tags: tarot, strength, bull, leaper, wiccan
1 The High Priest from The Minoan Tarot Baseball T-Shirt

Description: The artwork from the High Priest card in the Major Arcana of The Minoan Tarot by Laura Perry. The High Priest has a deep understanding of the value and use of the tools at his disposal.

Tags: tarot, magician, high, priest, prince of the lilies
15 The Minotaur from The Minoan Tarot Baseball T-Shirt

Description: The Minotaur card from the Major Arcana of The Minoan Tarot by Laura Perry. The Minotaur is no monster; he guides us to our own darkness in the center of the Labyrinth.

Tags: tarot, minotaur, knossos, crete, wiccan
Ariadne's Tribe logo on inclusive Pride flag Baseball T-Shirt

Description: The Ariadne's Tribe logo on the inclusive/intersectional Pride flag. Ariadne's Tribe is a welcoming tradition, open to all who share our love for the Minoan deities and respect for our fellow human beings. We support the QUILTBAG community year round. As always, proceeds from sales of Tribe logo merch go to the Board of Directors for official expenses. Proceeds from all other art in this Redbubble shop go to the artist.

Tags: pagan, paganism, spirituality, wicca, goddess
5 The Adept from The Minoan Tarot Baseball T-Shirt
Main Tag:  

Description: The artwork from the Adept card in The Minoan Tarot by Laura Perry. The Snake Goddess figurine from Knossos is iconic of ancient Minoan religion and culture.

Tags: hierophant, tarot, minoan, divination, snake
10 Fate from The Minoan Tarot Baseball T-Shirt
Main Tag:  

Description: The artwork from the Fate card in The Minoan Tarot by Laura Perry. The goddess of Fate spins the thread of your life.

Tags: tarot, minoan, goddess, arachne

10 Fate from The Minoan Tarot Baseball T-Shirt

$20 $26

00 days

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