Long Sleeve T-Shirts
Description: Garou the werewolf, Penny's "snarling darling", is unleashed in this special design by artist Donald David! NOTE: This version works best on DARK shirts. See the other version of Garou that works best for color and lighter shirts. Check out artist Donald David's website: https://donalddavid.wixsite.com/donalddavidartwork
Description: Penny Dreadful, the witch horror hostess of 'Shilling Shockers', manifests within a full moon in this special design by artist Donald David! NOTE: This version works best on DARK shirts. See the other version of "Penny Dreadful inside moon" that works best for color and lighter shirts. Check out artist Donald David's website: https://donalddavid.wixsite.com/donalddavidartwork
Description: Best for lighter colors, Garou is ready to howl his way into your t-shirt collection with this amazing design by artist Donald David. NOTE: This version works best on LIGHT and COLOR shirts, although it also works well on dark. See the other version of Garou that works best for black and darker shirts. Check out artist Donald David's website: https://donalddavid.wixsite.com/donalddavidartwork
Description: Penny Dreadful, the witch horror hostess of 'Shilling Shockers', manifests within a full moon in this special design by artist Donald David! NOTE: This version works well for COLOR and LIGHT shirts. See the other version of "Penny Dreadful inside moon" that works best for BLACK and dark shirts. Check out artist Donald David's website: https://donalddavid.wixsite.com/donalddavidartwork
Description: Penny Dreadful, the witch horror hostess of 'Shilling Shockers', manifests in front of a full moon, with more of her hat visible than in the "inside moon" version, in this special design by artist Donald David! NOTE: This version works best on DARK shirts. See the other version of "Penny Dreadful in front of moon" that works best for color and lighter shirts. Check out artist Donald David's website: https://donalddavid.wixsite.com/donalddavidartwork
Description: Penny Dreadful, the witch horror hostess of 'Shilling Shockers', manifests in front of a full moon, with more of her hat visible than in the "inside moon" version, in this special design by artist Donald David! NOTE: This version works well for LIGHT and color shirts. See the other version of "Penny Dreadful in front of moon" that works best for BLACK and dark shirts. Check out artist Donald David's website: https://donalddavid.wixsite.com/donalddavidartwork
Description: This design features Penny Dreadful, Garou, and Dr. Manfred Von Bulow from New England's hex-cellent hosted horror movie show, 'Shilling Shockers'. This version of the design is in full COLOR and works well on most shirts. Design illustrated by Brian Maze: https://www.facebook.com/Mazeworks?paipv=0&eav=AfahLS4Kga9hjWjTqG2SPANLRFO8LheuJQiuWBoT3_sQlNmymq-lL7GkEyE_0pIynWA&_rdr
Description: This design features Penny Dreadful, Garou, and Dr. Manfred Von Bulow from New England's hex-cellent hosted horror movie show, 'Shilling Shockers'. This version of the design works well on DARK and BLACK shirts. Design illustrated by Brian Maze: https://www.facebook.com/Mazeworks?paipv=0&eav=AfahLS4Kga9hjWjTqG2SPANLRFO8LheuJQiuWBoT3_sQlNmymq-lL7GkEyE_0pIynWA&_rdr
Description: This design features Penny Dreadful, Garou, and Dr. Manfred Von Bulow from New England's hex-cellent hosted horror movie show, 'Shilling Shockers'. This version of the design works best on LIGHT-COLORED shirts. Design illustrated by Brian Maze: https://www.facebook.com/Mazeworks?paipv=0&eav=AfahLS4Kga9hjWjTqG2SPANLRFO8LheuJQiuWBoT3_sQlNmymq-lL7GkEyE_0pIynWA&_rdr
Description: Designed by artist Sarah Adam, this design features witch horror hostess Penny Dreadful from New England's most hex-cellent hosted TV horror show, Shilling Shockers. This design features Penny riding upon her broom. Great design for Halloween, or anytime of year. Check out artist Sarah Adam's website at: https://www.madsahara.com
Description: Designed by artist Sarah Adam, this design features Penny Dreadful, Garou, Dr. Manfred Von Bulow, and Luna Tesla from the hosted horror movie show, Penny Dreadful's Shilling Shockers. Perfect for the howliday season. Check out artist Sarah Adam's website at: https://www.madsahara.com
Description: Designed by artist Liz LaFrance, horror hostess Penny Dreadful wears her hooded witch cloak and casts a spell as she is about to introduce tonight's motion picture of terror! This version of the design features the "Penny Dreadful" text underneath the image. For the version with no text, see the NO TEXT design. Check out Liz LaFrance's work at: https://www.lizlafrance.com/colored-spots-creative-llc
Description: Designed by artist Liz LaFrance, horror hostess Penny Dreadful wears her hooded witch cloak and casts a spell as she is about to introduce tonight's motion picture of terror! This version of the design does not feature any text and just includes the artwork. Check out Liz LaFrance's work at: https://www.lizlafrance.com/colored-spots-creative-llc
Description: Terror at Collinwood is a podcast that celebrates the classic gothic horror tv series, Dark Shadows. This version of the logo features the trio of terror - Barnabas Collins, Quentin Collins, and Angelique Bouchard Collins. Best for dark shirts. Designed by artist Eric Marshall.
Description: Terror at Collinwood is a podcast that celebrates the classic gothic horror tv series, Dark Shadows. This version of the logo features an image of Angelique and features more text than the other Angelique logo designs. This design works best on DARK shirts like black. Designed by artist Eric Marshall.
Description: Terror at Collinwood is a podcast that celebrates the classic gothic horror tv series, Dark Shadows. This version of the logo features an image of Quentin and features more text than the other Quentin logo designs. This design works best on DARK shirts like black. Designed by artist Eric Marshall.
Description: Terror at Collinwood is a podcast that celebrates the classic gothic horror tv series, Dark Shadows. This version of the logo features an image of Quentin and features more text than the other logo designs. This design works best on most color shirts. Designed by artist Eric Marshall.