Captain Planet Hoodies
Description: Captain Planet and the Planeteers is an American animated environmentalist Superhero television series created by Ted Turner, Barbara Pyle and Robert Larkin III, and developed by Pyle, Nicholas Boxer, Thom Beers, Andy Heyward, Robby London, Bob Forward and Cassandra Schafausen. The series was produced by Turner Program Services and DIC Enterprises and broadcast on TBS from September 15, 1990, to December 5, 1992.
Description: Embrace the eco-warrior with Captain Planet, the environmental superhero who's been fighting to save our planet since the '90s! Join the Planeteers on a mission to protect the Earth from pollution and environmental threats. Captain Planet's iconic battle cry, 'The power is yours!' reminds us that we all have the ability to make a positive impact on the world. Dive into the green adventures of Captain Planet and uncover the message of environmental stewardship and teamwork that continues to inspire generations.
Hoodie FAQ
Cotton/Poly fleece blend. Super warm and cozy fleece lining with an adjustable hood and banded cuffs to keep in the heat.
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