Magical Panda
Magical Fox
Description: Yule Cat patiently waiting to see if you got new clothes for Christmas or not!
Yule Cat
Merry Krampus
Christmas Sloth
Little Crow
Fall Squirrel
Autumn Breeze
Fall Wendigo
Leafy Hedgehog
Description: A little raccoon fall witch that is busy brewing up some hot chocolate for you both to share!
Fall Witch
Harvest Spirit
Description: A happy little vampire that's wishing you a great halloween and a spook-tastic day!
Little Vampire
Description: A little whitchy ghost that's ready to either do some haunting or grant some wishes! Probably both.
Witchy Ghost
Description: This little snake queen believes you can do soooo much better. Take her advice and never settle!
Little Medusa
Pirate Imp
Happy Wisp
Description: A little halloween puppy, fresh from the pumpkin patch and ready to go trick-or-treating!
Pumpkin Pup
Wispy Cat
Little Fish Head
Strawberry Moon
Description: The gem of Spinel from Steven Universe waiting amongst Rose Quartz's pink hibiscus flowers.
Happily Waiting
Description: Using African flowers such as the king of proteas flower, this is a graphic to remind all people of color, gender, and sexuality that they are worthy of love and more despite what others may say. Happy Pride Month and Juneteenth!
Description: A poor worker that just never found the time to clock-out and is now still greeting people with the help of their name-tag on their skull.
Hello I'm Tired
Description: A little flower fairy drifting along, mirroring all of the flower blossoms around.
Fairy Blossom
Description: A vibrant butterfly that is neatly perched on the hand of their fairy friend.
Fluttery Friend
Cool Beans
Description: A cheerful ghost that just wants to make your day with some positive compliments!
Just Boo-tiful
Description: A small kitten that seems to be born with a rather large flower around its head and tail.
Flower Kitten
Description: A small little warrior that is always seen with a wooden mask and toothpick sword.
Tiny Warrior
Turnip Gardner