Labor T-Shirts
Description: All labor is skilled labor. All labor deserves a living wage. Labor produces all value, capital is nothing but dead labor value. Join a union, you have nothing to lose but your chains.
All Labor Is Skilled Labor - Labor Union, Pro Worker T-Shirt
by SpaceDogLaika
$17 $23
Description: Labor design features a crowd of different stick people standing above the large LABOR lettering. Colorful and warm graphic to show the collective strength of ordinary people coming together and working for a common aim. Make every day Labor Day!
Description: Be proud to be a "union thug". Without labor unions, there would be no weekends, minimum wage, paid vacation, 8 hour workdays, social security, pensions, child labor laws, sick leave, overtime pay, work breaks, maternity leave, and more of the labor rights people now take for granted.
Thank A Union - Labor Union, Union Strong, Pro Worker, Industrial Workers of the World T-Shirt
by SpaceDogLaika
$17 $23
Description: "What did you tell that man just now" "I told him to work faster!" "How much do you pay him?" "$25.00 a day" "Where do you get the money to pay him?" "I sell products" "Who makes the products?" "He does" "How many products does he make in one day?" "$100.00 worth" "Then instead of you paying him -- He is paying you $75.00 a day to tell him to work faster!" "Huh? But the machines belong to me-" "How did you get the machines?" "I sold products and bought them" "-- and who made THOSE products?" "Shut up -- he might hear you!" Check out more of my art and products at
Letting the Cat Out of the Bag - Labor Union, Socialist, Leftist, Political Cartoon T-Shirt
by SpaceDogLaika
$17 $23
Description: Workers Get Wise! Organize! This design was originally made by Rebel Arts and printed by Union Poster Service in 1939. I have redrawn, recolored, restored, and digitized it in order to preserve this piece of labor history. Check out more of my art and products at
Workers Get Wise! Organize! - Labor Union, Solidarity, Leftist, Socialist T-Shirt
by SpaceDogLaika
$17 $23
Description: A refinished IWW poster, "The Hand That Will Rule The World - One Big Union" with added text. Solidarity forever, for the union makes us strong.
Solidarity Forever - IWW, Labor Union, Socialist, Leftist T-Shirt
by SpaceDogLaika
$17 $23
Description: "Organize and Take The Big Bag!" This design originally drawn by Jon Lynch, and appeared in the Industrial Pioneer, a publication of the IWW, in June 1925. I have redrawn, retraced, digitized and resized the text from the original art to make it easier to read. Check out more of my art and products at
Organize And Take The Big Bag! - IWW, Socialist, Anti Capitalist, Leftist, Propaganda T-Shirt
by SpaceDogLaika
$17 $23
Description: This design originally comes from a political cartoon from Solidarity, published on November 11, 1916. I have redrawn, restored, and digitized this art in order to preserve this piece of labor history. Check out more of my art and products at
Now He Understands The Game - IWW, Socialist, Labor Union, Solidarity T-Shirt
by SpaceDogLaika
$17 $23
Description: A political cartoon originally by William Balfour Ker in 1906, refinished by me. Check out more of my art and products at
From The Depths - Socialist, Eat The Rich, Historical, Propaganda, Anti-Capitalist, Communist, Leftist T-Shirt
by SpaceDogLaika
$17 $23
Description: Originally inspired from a French poster made by Atelier Populaire in May 1968, this design has been redrawn, translated, and with a little bit of color added.
Your Boss Needs You, You Don't Need Him - Labor Union, Socialist, Leftist, Protest, Propaganda T-Shirt
by SpaceDogLaika
$17 $23
Description: Born to fish, forced to sell my labor in exchange for a fraction of the value I produce so I can afford to fish on the weekend sometimes. Fishers of the world, unite! You have nothing to lose but your lures! Check out more of my art and products at
Born To Fish Forced To Sell My Labor - Fishing, Oddly Specific Meme T-Shirt
by SpaceDogLaika
$17 $23
Description: Organized class-conscious workers are all that's needed to rid the earth of the parasitic capitalist class. This political cartoon was originally from the May 1938 edition of The One Big Union Monthly, a monthly publication by the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW). I have completely digitized, redrawn, and refinished this work of art, as well as rewritten the text for the sake of legibility - for the sake of preserving and archiving this important piece of labor history. The IWW still exists today, and if this political cartoon still rings true to you, even nearly a century after it's original publishing, you should consider looking up your local IWW chapter. Check out more of my art and products at
Get Rid Of The Parasite - Historical, Socialist, Anti-Capitalist T-Shirt
by SpaceDogLaika
$17 $23
Description: This was originally an engraving titled "Portraits of the Haymarket Martyrs" by Walter Crane in memorial of those that fought for an eight hour work day on May 4, 1886 at Haymarket Square in Chicago. I have refinished and digitized this century-old design into modern fidelity for printing. This version is in color, but the original was just in black and white - which is also available in the store.
Anarchists of Chicago In Color - Haymarket Riot, Labor History, Socialist, Socialism, Leftist T-Shirt
by SpaceDogLaika
$17 $23
Description: A political cartoon from 1921 depicted the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) driving a knife into the squid of capitalism. This design has been redrawn, refinished, and digitized by me. Check out more of my art and products at
More Power To The Arm - Historical Propaganda, IWW, Labor Union, Socialist, Leftist, Anti Capitalist T-Shirt
by SpaceDogLaika
$17 $23
Description: Labor creates all wealth. Check out more of my art and products at
Labor Creates All Wealth - Labor Union, Worker Rights, Socialist, Leftist, Raised Fist T-Shirt
by SpaceDogLaika
$17 $23
Description: "Labour's May Day - Dedicated To The Workers of the World" Originally made by Walter Crane in 1889, this beautiful piece of art has been completely redrawn, refinished, digitized, and given new original coloring by me in order to preserve this piece of history. The original uncolored, black and white version is also available. Check out more of my art and products at
Solidarity of Labour In Color - Walter Crane, Socialist, Propaganda, Leftist, Communist T-Shirt
by SpaceDogLaika
$17 $23
Description: This is a little more serious one from my usual tees. I believe deeply in the power of the workers, and the workers will take care of the people. The few have been taking advantage of the many for too long now! It's time for people to rise up and take control. Care for your fellow man! Contact me if you want this in other colors!
Description: Eugene V. Debs, Convict No. 9653, got nearly 1 million votes during his presidential campaign as a member of the Socialist Party, despite being imprisoned during the election.
Eugene Debs For President - Convict No. 9653, Socialist T-Shirt
by SpaceDogLaika
$17 $23
Description: "A Garland For May Day" was originally an illustration by famous children's book author and socialist Walter Crane, that has been retraced, recolored, and refinished to make the text more readable and the illustration more clearly visible. Check out more of my art and products at
Garland For May Day Red - Refinished Walter Crane, Socialist, Socialism, Leftist, Anarchist, Labor Rights T-Shirt
by SpaceDogLaika
$17 $23
Description: A political cartoon from 1921 depicted the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) driving a knife into the squid of capitalism. This design has been redrawn, refinished, digitized, and given original color for the first time by me. The original black and white version is also available. Check out more of my art and products at
More Power To The Arm Recolored - Historical Propaganda, IWW, Labor Union, Socialist, Leftist, Anti Capitalist T-Shirt
by SpaceDogLaika
$17 $23
Description: A refinished IWW poster, "The Hand That Will Rule The World - One Big Union" with added text. Solidarity forever, for the union makes us strong. Check out more of my art and products at
The Hand That Will Rule The World - Refinished, IWW, Labor Union, Socialist, Leftist T-Shirt
by SpaceDogLaika
$17 $23
Description: This design comes from a cartoon by the Industrial Workers of The World (IWW) in 1920, which depicts a spider labeled "Wall St." atop a web labeled "capitalism" spun across all of society, including the press, law, education, banks, mines, factories, harbors, and train lines. I have redrawn, restored, and refinished this art in order to preserve this important piece of labor history. Check out more of my art and products at
The Monster Which Causes Most Of Our Suffering - IWW, Anti Capitalist, Socialist T-Shirt
by SpaceDogLaika
$17 $23
T-Shirt FAQ
100% combed ringspun cotton. The perfect fabric for a graphic tee and the softest in the business. (Due to product availability, cotton type may vary for 2XL and 3XL sizes)
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