Description: A photo of springtime tulips in Chicago, edited to look like a vintage postcard.
Vintage Tulips
On the Line
Black Chicken
Description: Who doesn't love a nice slice of pumpkin pie during the holiday season? I know I do! Gotta have it with a swirl of *canned* whipped cream.
Pumpkin Pie
Description: This is an idea I came up with when I was working on a different mushroom piece. As a kid I always wanted a lava lamp, and recently I got one 😊 I used the colors in mine as inspiration, and decided to make the shape of the mushroom also somewhat reflective of a lava lamp. I love the result!
Description: This piece was made using a photograph I took of some small, colorful cacti at a market in France. I edited the original photo and then brought it into photoshop to create the Kaleidoscope design.
Colorful Cacti
Description: A Jersey cow inspired by the heifers that hang out at Grassway in East Troy, WI.
Jersey Cow
Description: From "Butterfly." The original mixed media painting depicts a bright monarch butterfly above a set of flowers. The original painting was done in watercolors, and embellished with acrylics and pressed flowers.
Description: This piece is a crossover of both digital and physical art. The main kaleidoscope image is created from a photo of flowers creeping along a wall, which I had taken while in Greece. Placed along the edges of that shape is the image of a physical doodle I had done using pink watercolors. The painting was very simple, yet feminine, and I knew it would fit perfectly in this piece. I’m not usually much into pink myself, but I feel that this piece breathes femininity- natural elements that are soft and intricate, dainty yet strong. This piece is one that can be interpreted in many ways, based on what images the viewer picks out in the shapes.
Description: This piece consists of a photograph of flowers, and a mushroom drawing. Can you find them? ;) To create the kaleidoscope background, I first selected a photo I had taken of some purple flowers. I then edited the photo to saturate the colors and selected a triangular portion to use in the piece. I used the triangle to create a symmetrical, six sided figure in photoshop. From there, I imported and edited an image of a few mushrooms I had drawn. I changed the colors of the original drawing from red to pink, blue and purple. I then arranged them in the shape as I liked, and duplicated them so they were symmetrical. The finished piece is a trippy design made of both digital and physical art. :) Watch me make it on youtube!
Description: A digital art piece inspired by the flock of turkeys at Grassway in East Troy, WI.
Description: This is part of a series of three cactus paintings titled Texas Cacti which were inspired by my time living in Fort Davis, Texas in 2021. For much of the year I lived at Château Wright and was surrounded by cholla, prickly pear, and various other desert cacti and plants. I even visited the Chihuahuan Desert Nature Center, where I got to see hundreds of cacti native to the region in their greenhouse. The original paintings were on recycled wine filters from the winery, and are painted with acrylics.
Prickly Pear
Description: This piece is a digital artwork that uses images of physical elements. The kaleidoscope itself was created using a photograph I had taken of flowers, and the mushrooms and teacups are pieces of physical paintings I have created. The result is a trippy, geometric design that I love.
Go Ask Alice
Description: This is a digital art piece I created to look like a cute lil holiday latte. Originally designed to be made into a sticker, as part of a latte collection.
Peppermint Latte
Description: A digital artwork I made inspired by an image featured on instagram by Grassway in East Troy, WI.
Fern Jersey Calf
Description: This is an idea I came up with when I was working on a different mushroom piece. As a kid I always wanted a lava lamp, and recently I got one 😊 I used the colors in mine as inspiration, and decided to make the shape of the mushroom also somewhat reflective of a lava lamp. I love the result!
Description: This is a digital piece I created inspired by the flocks of laying hens at Grassway in East Troy, WI.
Description: This is a doodle I did of my home state, Wisconsin. I really enjoy zentangle style doodles, as they are very relaxing and I enjoy adding as much detail as possible. This one took approximately 6 hours to make, give or take.
Zen Wisconsin