Description: He's a pudgy little potato.
Description: A punk hippo!
Description: He's the bomb
Description: The More You Know, the More You Realize...
Description: Hold on to your heart!
Description: Da Duh... Da Duh... Da Duh
Description: We need to stand together!
Description: Destruction!
Description: Vroom!
Description: HE'S THE BEST!
Description: She ain't Link!
Description: He shot first...
Description: Screw Oregon!
Description: He was so Happy
Description: He's kind of shy.
Description: YUMMY!
Description: Surreally??
Description: Taungsdays, amiright?
Description: He's driving the hell out of that apple!
Description: Those sets are so damn expensive!
Description: Anyone else?
Description: Care Turtle Stare!
Description: Fifty fifty!
Description: Keep on!
Description: She did. Never forget.
Description: oh, scary!
Description: Wizards on Broad Street!
Description: As long as there's a steady paycheck. Who you gonna call?
Description: Yummy planets!
Description: The Green Knight!
Description: No one likes us!
Description: ROLL OUT!
Description: You'll be visited by 3 ghosts!
Description: He's like a pink nightmare!
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