Description: Game Show 1939! is a podcast game show where all the questions were written in the 1930s. Some of the answers are no longer true, some of the answers were never true, and a lot of the answers are interesting things that have fallen down the memory hole. Find out more at megaphonic.fm
Description: The Spouter-Inn is a podcast about the "great books" we love to read—but also questioning what that category of "great books" even means. Its logo is a white whale swimming along, carrying a copy of Moby-Dick, thinking about what it has read and looking forward to when it will get to read the next chapter.
Description: It's a tshirt with a famous quote from William Shakespeare's play The Tempest on it! Isn't it? Made by your friends at The Spouter-Inn. [The text reads: full fathom five thy father lies / of his bones are coral made / those are pearls that were his eyes / nothing of him that doth fade / but doth suffer a sea-change / into something rich and strange / sea-nymphs hourly ring his knell / ding-dong! hark! now I hear them / ding-dong, bell—]