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Physicist by day, programmer at night, designer everywhere in between.
PNW, Planet Earth
Oxygen Periodic Element Corner Logo Shirt T-Shirt
Main Tag:  

Description: Oxygen Periodic Element Corner Logo Shirt - Top left corner logo shirt

Tags: chemistry, periodic elements, periodic table, science
Potassium Nitrate (KNO3) Saltpeter Gunpowder T-Shirt

Description: Potassium Nitrate (KNO3) Saltpeter Design! Potassium nitrate is a chemical compound with the chemical formula KNO 3. It is an ionic salt of potassium ions K+ and nitrate ions NO3−, and is therefore an alkali metal nitrate. It occurs in nature as a mineral, niter. It is a source of nitrogen, from which it derives its name. Potassium nitrate is one of several nitrogen-containing compounds collectively referred to as saltpeter or saltpetre. Major uses of potassium nitrate are in fertilizers, tree stump removal, rocket propellants and fireworks. It is one of the major constituents of gunpowder (black powder). In processed meats, potassium nitrate reacts with hemoglobin and generates a pink color.

Tags: periodic table words, potassium, fireworks, gunpowder, saltpeter
Wife (W-I-Fe) Periodic Table Elements Spelling T-Shirt
Main Tag:  

Description: W-I-Fe Elements Spelling Design. Wife! This high-energy tee contains elements Tungsten, Iodine, and Iron. Embrace your nerdy side and show off your science, chemistry, physics, and stem pride!

Tags: chemistry, elements, iodine, iron, special
Wasteland (W-As-Te-La-Nd) Periodic Elements Spelling T-Shirt
Main Tag:  

Description: Wasteland (W-As-Te-La-Nd) Spelled with Periodic Elements! Our original Periodic-Tees Elements design. This high-energy tee contains elements Tungsten, Arsenic, Tellurium, Lanthanum, and Neodymium!

Tags: biology, chem, chemistry, element, elements
Warpath (W-Ar-Pa-Th) Periodic Elements Spelling T-Shirt
Main Tag:  

Description: Warpath (W-Ar-Pa-Th) Spelled with Periodic Elements! Our original Periodic-Tees Elements design. This high-energy tee contains elements Tungsten, Argon, Protactinium, and Thorium!

Tags: biology, chem, chemistry, element, elements
War (W-Ar) Periodic Elements Spelling T-Shirt
Main Tag:  

Description: War (W-Ar) Spelled with Periodic Elements! Our original Periodic-Tees Elements design. This high-energy tee contains elements Tungsten and Argon!

Tags: biology, chem, chemistry, element, elements
Walrus (W-Al-Ru-S) Periodic Elements Spelling T-Shirt
Main Tag:  

Description: Walrus (W-Al-Ru-S) Spelled with Periodic Elements! Our original Periodic-Tees Elements design. This high-energy tee contains elements Tungsten, Aluminum, Ruthenium, and Sulfur!

Tags: biology, chem, chemistry, element, elements
Voyager (V-O-Y-Ag-Er) Periodic Elements Spelling T-Shirt
Main Tag:  

Description: Voyager (V-O-Y-Ag-Er) Spelled with Periodic Elements! Our original Periodic-Tees Elements design. This high-energy tee contains elements Vanadium, Oxygen, Yttrium, Silver, and Erbium!

Tags: biology, chem, chemistry, element, elements
Vote (V-O-Te) Periodic Elements Spelling T-Shirt
Main Tag:  

Description: Vote (V-O-Te) Spelled with Periodic Elements! Our original Periodic-Tees Elements design. This high-energy tee contains elements Vanadium, Oxygen, and Tellurium!

Tags: biology, chem, chemistry, element, elements
Vision (V-I-Si-O-N) Periodic Elements Spelling T-Shirt
Main Tag:  

Description: Vision (V-I-Si-O-N) Spelled with Periodic Elements! Our original Periodic-Tees Elements design. This high-energy tee contains elements Vanadium, Iodine, Silicon, Oxygen, and Nitrogen!

Tags: biology, chem, chemistry, element, elements
Virus (V-Ir-U-S) Periodic Elements Spelling T-Shirt
Main Tag:  

Description: Virus (V-Ir-U-S) Spelled with Periodic Elements! Our original Periodic-Tees Elements design. This high-energy tee contains elements Vanadium, Iridium, Uranium, and Sulfur!

Tags: biology, chem, chemistry, element, elements
Viola (V-I-O-La) Periodic Elements Spelling T-Shirt
Main Tag:  

Description: Viola (V-I-O-La) Spelled with Periodic Elements! Our original Periodic-Tees Elements design. This high-energy tee contains elements Vanadium, Iodine, Oxygen, and Lanthanum!

Tags: biology, chem, chemistry, element, elements
Vice (V-I-Ce) Periodic Elements Spelling T-Shirt
Main Tag:  

Description: Vice (V-I-Ce) Spelled with Periodic Elements! Our original Periodic-Tees Elements design. This high-energy tee contains elements Vanadium, Iodine, and Cerium!

Tags: biology, chem, chemistry, element, elements
Vhf (V-H-F) Periodic Elements Spelling T-Shirt
Main Tag:  

Description: Vhf (V-H-F) Spelled with Periodic Elements! Our original Periodic-Tees Elements design. This high-energy tee contains elements Vanadium, Hydrogen, and Fluorine!

Tags: biology, chem, chemistry, element, elements
Uhf (U-H-F) Periodic Elements Spelling T-Shirt
Main Tag:  

Description: Uhf (U-H-F) Spelled with Periodic Elements! Our original Periodic-Tees Elements design. This high-energy tee contains elements Uranium, Hydrogen, and Fluorine!

Tags: biology, chem, chemistry, element, elements
Vampire (V-Am-P-I-Re) Periodic Elements Spelling T-Shirt
Main Tag:  

Description: Vampire (V-Am-P-I-Re) Spelled with Periodic Elements! Our original Periodic-Tees Elements design. This high-energy tee contains elements Vanadium, Americium, Phosphorus, Iodine, and Rhenium!

Tags: biology, chem, chemistry, element, elements
Vaccine (V-Ac-C-I-Ne) Periodic Elements Spelling T-Shirt
Main Tag:  

Description: Vaccine (V-Ac-C-I-Ne) Spelled with Periodic Elements! Our original Periodic-Tees Elements design. This high-energy tee contains elements Vanadium, Actinium, Carbon, Iodine, and Neon!

Tags: biology, chem, chemistry, element, elements
Uterus (U-Te-Ru-S) Periodic Elements Spelling T-Shirt
Main Tag:  

Description: Uterus (U-Te-Ru-S) Spelled with Periodic Elements! Our original Periodic-Tees Elements design. This high-energy tee contains elements Uranium, Tellurium, Ruthenium, and Sulfur!

Tags: biology, chem, chemistry, element, elements
Upstate (U-P-S-Ta-Te) Periodic Elements Spelling T-Shirt
Main Tag:  

Description: Upstate (U-P-S-Ta-Te) Spelled with Periodic Elements! Our original Periodic-Tees Elements design. This high-energy tee contains elements Uranium, Phosphorus, Sulfur, Tantalum, and Tellurium!

Tags: biology, chem, chemistry, element, elements
Unreal (U-N-Re-Al) Periodic Elements Spelling T-Shirt
Main Tag:  

Description: Unreal (U-N-Re-Al) Spelled with Periodic Elements! Our original Periodic-Tees Elements design. This high-energy tee contains elements Uranium, Nitrogen, Rhenium, and Aluminum!

Tags: biology, chem, chemistry, element, elements
Universe (U-Ni-V-Er-Se) Periodic Elements Spelling T-Shirt
Main Tag:  

Description: Universe (U-Ni-V-Er-Se) Spelled with Periodic Elements! Our original Periodic-Tees Elements design. This high-energy tee contains elements Uranium, Nickel, Vanadium, Erbium, and Selenium!

Tags: biology, chem, chemistry, element, elements
Unite (U-Ni-Te) Periodic Elements Spelling T-Shirt
Main Tag:  

Description: Unite (U-Ni-Te) Spelled with Periodic Elements! Our original Periodic-Tees Elements design. This high-energy tee contains elements Uranium, Nickel, and Tellurium!

Tags: biology, chem, chemistry, element, elements
Union (U-Ni-O-N) Periodic Elements Spelling T-Shirt
Main Tag:  

Description: Union (U-Ni-O-N) Spelled with Periodic Elements! Our original Periodic-Tees Elements design. This high-energy tee contains elements Uranium, Nickel, Oxygen, and Nitrogen!

Tags: biology, chem, chemistry, element, elements
Unicorn (U-Ni-Co-Rn) Periodic Elements Spelling T-Shirt
Main Tag:  

Description: Unicorn (U-Ni-Co-Rn) Spelled with Periodic Elements! Our original Periodic-Tees Elements design. This high-energy tee contains elements Uranium, Nickel, Cobalt, and Radon!

Tags: biology, chem, chemistry, element, elements
Titanic (Ti-Ta-Ni-C) Periodic Elements Spelling T-Shirt
Main Tag:  

Description: Titanic (Ti-Ta-Ni-C) Spelled with Periodic Elements! Our original Periodic-Tees Elements design. This high-energy tee contains elements Titanium, Tantalum, Nickel, and Carbon!

Tags: biology, chem, chemistry, element, elements
Tinder (Ti-Nd-Er) Periodic Elements Spelling T-Shirt
Main Tag:  

Description: Tinder (Ti-Nd-Er) Spelled with Periodic Elements! Our original Periodic-Tees Elements design. This high-energy tee contains elements Titanium, Neodymium, and Erbium!

Tags: biology, chem, chemistry, element, elements
Tin (Ti-N) Periodic Elements Spelling T-Shirt
Main Tag:  

Description: Tin (Ti-N) Spelled with Periodic Elements! Our original Periodic-Tees Elements design. This high-energy tee contains elements Titanium and Nitrogen!

Tags: biology, chem, chemistry, element, elements
Timothy (Ti-Mo-Th-Y) Periodic Elements Spelling T-Shirt
Main Tag:  

Description: Timothy (Ti-Mo-Th-Y) Spelled with Periodic Elements! Our original Periodic-Tees Elements design. This high-energy tee contains elements Titanium, Molybdenum, Thorium, and Yttrium!

Tags: biology, chem, chemistry, element, elements
Thorn (Th-O-Rn) Periodic Elements Spelling T-Shirt
Main Tag:  

Description: Thorn (Th-O-Rn) Spelled with Periodic Elements! Our original Periodic-Tees Elements design. This high-energy tee contains elements Thorium, Oxygen, and Radon!

Tags: biology, chem, chemistry, element, elements
Thinker (Th-In-K-Er) Periodic Elements Spelling T-Shirt
Main Tag:  

Description: Thinker (Th-In-K-Er) Spelled with Periodic Elements! Our original Periodic-Tees Elements design. This high-energy tee contains elements Thorium, Indium, Potassium, and Erbium!

Tags: biology, chem, chemistry, element, elements
Testify (Te-S-Ti-F-Y) Periodic Elements Spelling T-Shirt
Main Tag:  

Description: Testify (Te-S-Ti-F-Y) Spelled with Periodic Elements! Our original Periodic-Tees Elements design. This high-energy tee contains elements Tellurium, Sulfur, Titanium, Fluorine, and Yttrium!

Tags: biology, chem, chemistry, element, elements
Tennis (Te-N-Ni-S) Periodic Elements Spelling T-Shirt
Main Tag:  

Description: Tennis (Te-N-Ni-S) Spelled with Periodic Elements! Our original Periodic-Tees Elements design. This high-energy tee contains elements Tellurium, Nitrogen, Nickel, and Sulfur!

Tags: biology, chem, chemistry, element, elements
Techno (Te-C-H-No) Periodic Elements Spelling T-Shirt
Main Tag:  

Description: Techno (Te-C-H-No) Spelled with Periodic Elements! Our original Periodic-Tees Elements design. This high-energy tee contains elements Tellurium, Carbon, Hydrogen, and Nobelium!

Tags: biology, chem, chemistry, element, elements
Teaspoon (Te-As-Po-O-N) Periodic Elements Spelling T-Shirt
Main Tag:  

Description: Teaspoon (Te-As-Po-O-N) Spelled with Periodic Elements! Our original Periodic-Tees Elements design. This high-energy tee contains elements Tellurium, Arsenic, Polonium, Oxygen, and Nitrogen!

Tags: biology, chem, chemistry, element, elements
Teargas (Te-Ar-Ga-S) Periodic Elements Spelling T-Shirt
Main Tag:  

Description: Teargas (Te-Ar-Ga-S) Spelled with Periodic Elements! Our original Periodic-Tees Elements design. This high-energy tee contains elements Tellurium, Argon, Gallium, and Sulfur!

Tags: biology, chem, chemistry, element, elements
Team (Te-Am) Periodic Elements Spelling T-Shirt
Main Tag:  

Description: Team (Te-Am) Spelled with Periodic Elements! Our original Periodic-Tees Elements design. This high-energy tee contains elements Tellurium and Americium!

Tags: biology, chem, chemistry, element, elements
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