Description: This is the cover dog for the childrens book: P is for Pickles the first dog of pickleball. (the ABC's of Pickleball ARTwear) (found on Amazon) Because there is no mystery who the first dog of pickleball is. The truth is out there now, in the museum where pickleball was born (pickleball was named after a pickle boat). Many people get it wrong, some will even tell the story wrong just to make a buck but the truth is out there, and Pickles the real first dog of pickleball, a feisty black cockapoo is here to let you know that she was named after the game of pickleball and not the other way around and it's not "fun" to tell history wrong. Pickleball ARTwear pickles, is made from tiny pickleball paddles, thousands of them.
Description: Even the pickleball obsessed like to go on adventures and this pickleball Jeep roaming through the pickleball mountains under a radiating pickleball sun is the perfect vehicle to remind you that summer is coming and adventure is on the way! This entire scene is created with images of pickleballs and pickleball paddles! That's Pickleball ARTwear
Description: This little baby Gorilla playing with pickleball flowers is made entirely of pickleball paddles and pickleballs. Look at his hands first then dive into his mass of curly pickleball paddle hair and are those pickleball paddle gorilla nipples? Obviously, what else was I going to use? Great for the pickleballer who loves pickleball but doesn't need a shirt that SCREAMS pickleball on it.
Description: This octopus in a pickleball paddle sea has pickleball paddle tentacles, suckers, skin, eyes with a little pickleball glint.... and is holding a pickleball paddle. I'd say he's well armed. Created by Pickleball ARTwear Original pickleball paddle art is what I do, I use images of pickleball paddles to create other images. (start by looking at the sea, now the tentacles....carry on look closer and closer.... that's the magic of the secret of the art! Great for brainy players or those with fast hands.
Description: This is pickles the dog a cockerpoo who was famous for being named after the game pickleball. He is made entirely out of tiny images of pickleball paddles and pickleballs and so is the margarita with pickleball salt rim that he is sitting in. Because Pickles the dog would love to go to Margaritaville! :) Artwork inspired by Rachael Chatoor for Pickleball ARTwear Watch for my pickleball parody video inspired by this artwork, coming soon!
Description: Like all my designs at Tee Public this dog is all pickleball paddle artwork 🙂 Look close (Start with the grass) the whole image is made of pickleball paddles. Now that's pickleball! And this dog is truly pickleball as she holds a place in History but not like what you may think. The real Pickles belonged to one of the founding families of pickleball it's true, but did you know that pickleball was NOT named after a dog? The family dog was named after the sport (not the other way around). The true story can be heard at the Bainbridge Island Museum, the birthplace of pickleball. Know your history! 🙂 #picklesthedog #pickleballhistory #pickleballartwear
Description: Have a pickleball player who loves mermaids on your gift list? Are you familiar with my pickleball artwear? Start with the pickleball sun and move down to the pickleball paddle water, then back up to notice every scale in the mermaid's tail is a paddle, same with the fish, and her hair, her arms, it's completely screaming pickleball, without really saying it. Perfect for the pickleball obsessed who loves a bit of a secret.
Description: Do you know a pickleballer who loves to fish? Every one of these little jumping fishes are made from tiny pickleball paddles instead of brush strokes. The one fish going it's own way is a secret nod to the art of doing things your own way. Great gift for the pickleballers who is an avid fisherman or who just loves the seaside!~ Pickleball ARTwear by Rachael Chatoor
Description: This dinking T-rex isn't just living in a pickleball mountain valley, his scales, teeth, eyes and feet are all made from tiny images of pickleball paddles and pickleballs, just like all the animals, bugs, water, trees and mountains in the valley. So weird but also quite wonderful. For the absolutely full on pickleballer who loves art and dinosaurs. PS no one knows it's pickleball until you tell them. Do you keep the secret or not?
Description: Pickleball camouflage patterns make up these puzzle pieces which fit perfectly together. Sometimes dialing in your game can feel like putting a puzzle together but once you find all the parts you've got a great game ahead! For the pickleball fanatic good with screaming pickleball without actually saying pickleball (or having dancing pickles) Pickleball ARTwear is pickleball art by Rachael Chatoor musician and artist.