Skies Shirt
Vlad the Inhaler
Bathed in Fire
Skies Bird Shirt
BS Shirt
Description: Creeper shirt from series Veepers Creepers, tales from weird Villa Park, Illinois.
Lost Cat Creeper
Description: Creeper shirt from the series Jeepers Veepers, horror stories from Villa Park, Illinois.
Ovaltine Creeper
Spider Limerick
Spider Cinquain
Read, Write, Rot
Description: Did you know that the dot over the lowercase 'i' is called a tittle? You do now! Artwork by B.S. Lewis
i love tittles
Description: Promo shirt for Radio Afraidio, the radio station with a horror DJ twist. Playing soon at
Radio Afraidio
A-Maze-ing Reads
Description: Artwork by J-Bidniss. Promo poster for SardyHouse contest winner Jed Hogwahler's short story: Yogurt.
Description: Follow the QR code on the treasure map to keep up with all the adventures of the ongoing FREE series: Weird VP
Weird VP Team
Description: Promo shirt for One Pissed Fish, the first part of the free series Under The Bowl from Artwork by AB3.
One Pissed Fish
Description: Depiction of the hauntingly unique character '"The Whether Man" from the Weird V.P. Series. Artwork includes QR code link to the section of the story where he debuts. Artwork by AB3. The Weird VP Series can be read on our site FOR FREE under the Free Series Tab
The Weather Man