Description: Settlers of Catan: ruining friendships since 1995.
$17 $23
Description: This one's sure to make your heart beet faster.
Description: And they lived apple-y ever after.
Description: A relationship that's sure to put a little pep(permint) in your step.
Description: Branch out and love someone.
Description: No need to be sour - lime yours!
Description: Exotic fruit for an exotic love!
Description: Your life will never be melon-cholic with a friend like this.
Description: You'll always look radishing to this handsome fellow.
Description: The toy of generations!
Description: It's leekly this little guy will stay by your side forever!
Description: Everything's just peachy when you love this fruit!
Description: These Level 20 goblins will defeat you with their Gaze of Cuteness!
Description: There are plenty of fish in the sea, and this cat's going to meet them all.
Description: Finally, a crest for the RPG nerd at heart.
Description: Being alone in the woods is simply unbearable.
Description: What do you call candy corn's dad? Popcorn!
Description: Never trust an atom. They make up everything!
Description: Alpaca lunch for the zombie alpacalypse.
Description: This strawberry thinks you are berry special.
Description: Welcome to Costco. I love you.
Description: Cats chase. Cats jump. Cats play. Cats stare at you, plotting their next move.
$18 $24
Description: If you're sheepish, this guy will think ewe are the worst.
Description: A juggling unicorn rides a unicycle under a rainbow. Any questions?
Description: The enchanted iceberg of passion.
Description: The enchanted iceberg of joy.
Description: The enchanted iceberg of vitality
Description: The enchanted iceberg of serenity.
Description: It's an unbearable pandamic of fur and cuteness!
Description: A determined kitty insists he has reign over all things cardboard.
Description: A light bulb gives some bright advice.
Description: Two pyramids devise a scheme to get rich quick.
Description: Art inspired by nature. A rainbow of pencil crayons pours from a fluffy cloud.
Description: Love bites, man.
Description: Before smart phones, children everywhere would obsess over their Nanos.
Description: Someone's feeling foxy!
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