Description: Now, this shirt says R U THREE, but we believe that to be, well, a simple spelling error.
R U THREE Sticker
Whatever Sticker
Kermit Pride Sticker
Bears Wear Hats Sticker
The Misfits Show Sticker
Happiness Hotel Sticker
Description: The Fix-It Shop, for all your toaster-fixing needs. Ask for Luis! Design by Meagan Barbeau.
Fix-It Shop Sticker
Appreciation Sticker
Mr. Bassman Sticker
Be the Monster Sticker
Fraggle Totem Sticker
Dubonnet Club Sticker
Fozziwig & Mom Sticker
Description: Muppet Wiki was founded by members of the ToughPigs community. It's the best wiki on the internet, and it has a great logo.
Muppet Wiki logo Sticker
Description: Show off your love of your favorite Muppet trivia game show podcast! Design by Becca Petunia.
Hubba-Wha?! Sticker
I, Grover Sticker
Good Grief! Sticker
Description: This wacky guy appeared only once, in the final episode of a popular TV show about baby puppets.
Blerph Sticker
As Himself Sticker