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Helloooo! im Luc and i like to add a bit of fun and color to the world with crazy worlds & characters . Enjoy my designs on instagram too if you like!


Potato Collectors Mug
Main Tag:  

Description: This groups of scrunchy villains is always on the hunt for the most smooth lookin potatoes.

Tags: weirdos, bunch of jerks, super heroes, monsters at night, space
Franky boi Mug
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Description: Sometimes the world works against you and you just have to wait for those updates to finish... dont forget to restart and eat chips while waiting.

Tags: potato chips, little fatty, fantasy, space alien, sneaker game
Croco Collector Mug
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Description: Just give him the potatoes, i mean common... what are you gonna do.

Tags: king of the monsters, trenchcoat, video games, cartoon, daily job
Bobby beach boi Mug
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Description: Bobby beach boi isnt a regular beach visitor. Sand in the shoes and a casual sun burn aint his thing. But as a professional you just have to go in style.

Tags: retro, imaginary friends, video games, vintage, halloween monsters
Snog The mastermind Mug
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Description: As a veteran potato collector Snog lost his leg doing the work. He now proudly shows off his new leg covered in A5 quality baby skin.

Tags: space walker, anime, comics, unknow to science, alien general
Going for a spacewalk Mug
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Description: Sometimes you have to take out the good boy.

Tags: pet, creatures, animal, space, happy
Adult deepling Mug
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Description: You can recognize an adult deepling by their split tails.

Tags: space, alien, monster, gangster, cartoon
Teenage Deepliong Mug
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Description: All deeplings live on a plant based diet. However they are too busy stealing shiny things to actually grow some for themselves. So they buy them with stolen potatoes at your local supermarket.

Tags: monster, groceries, cosmos, cartoons, science fiction
The deepling Mug
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Description: From an early age the little ones of the Deep have an on point sneaker game. They also like shiny stuff.

Tags: egg, space, surreal, monster, sneakers
Adult Djinn Mug
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Description: Djinn became a dying breed after many of the other species started to mine the crystals that kept their world alive. Now the ones that are left are wandering the world trying to reclaim the stolen crystals.

Tags: beautiful, mystical, gorgeous, surreal, godess
Teenage Djinn Mug
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Description: Djinn are born with long hair. The older the get the shorter their hair becomes. The hair of Djinn also doesnt fall out. it will be completely gone when they become adults at about 85 earth years.

Tags: space, monster, horns, mystical, wings
Jolly little djinn Mug
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Description: A gentle little creature spreading joy around the world... and sometimes a little mischief too.

Tags: kid, cute, monster, surreal, space
The Smiling demon final form Mug
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Description: From child to adult the smiling demon is a terrifying being. As far back as the books of Oyama go there has been only one sighting of an adult smiling demon. And may that be the last.

Tags: monster, creepy, spooky, surreal, space
The smiling demon Mug
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Description: A very old and ancient race dwells deep in halls under the Thunderplains. Always carrying two emotions on their face, spreading chaos throughout the world.

Tags: galactic, fantasy, surreal, monster, space
Smiling kido demon Mug
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Description: A strange an rare site, that is seeing Smiling demons in child form. they might look cheerful but beware.

Tags: monster, ancient, tattoos, happy, galactic traveler
Bullets on the street Mug
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Description: Sometimes the Bullet bullies roam the streets, the do however stop for a red light.

Tags: traffic lights, surreal, creatures, gun, imaginary creatures
Bullet bullies Mug
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Description: These little poppers are up to no good, always causing trouble in the neighborhood.

Tags: friendship, sharp, sci fi, guns, imaginary friend
Cyber snake Mug
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Description: This snake wanted to have arms so bad he asked a smart Professorman to make him a pair. Also he likes ankles.

Tags: robot, future, sci fi, snake, monster
Galactic traveler Mug
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Description: A suspicious dude seemingly always hitchhiking the same road u tend to take no matter where u are. A bad or a good omen? At least he carries a cold one all the time, so you decide.

Tags: space, creature, monster, alien, surreal
The Chopping turtle Mug
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Description: Chirp chirp says the bird. Chop chop goes the turtle.

Tags: monster, surreal, cartoon, space knight, imaginary friends
Mindless Chapping Turtle Mug
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Description: Chirp chirp goes the bird, chop chop goes the turtle.

Tags: universe, cosmos, cute, bird, cartoons
Croc's Baby brother Mug
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Description: Crocs little baby brother is a true terror to behold, if there is anything in the world more annoying than this guy, ill be surprised.

Tags: space, cute monster, cute eyeball, thumbs up, imaginary friends
Ya boi Croc Mug
Main Tag:  

Description: Now this guy has the right voice for every occasion. you thought you had him shut his face think again. This guy also doesn't work alone, scumbag squad seriously has to watch their potatoes. .

Tags: cowboy, superheroes, comics, wildwest, anime
Croc & Baby brother Mug
Main Tag:  

Description: Ya boi Croc and his little baby brother. Always striking a pose when the camera is near.

Tags: sci fi, space, cowboy, cartoons, critters
Wrong class item Mug
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Description: This guy clearly using an item not for his class. but does he care?

Tags: cowboy, revolver, punk, lootgoblin, soldier
Tea time Mug
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Description: This smart little pot travels around and provides any needing traveler with some hot liquid of choice.

Tags: surreal, strange, creepy, folk, cute
Coffee break Mug
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Description: Its never to early for a nice little coffee break on those galactic adventures.

Tags: cosmos, sci fi, planet, stars, japan
The blue sky is a Bird Mug
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Description: You never know whats out there! the universe is a pretty big place.

Tags: galaxy, universe, sci fi, cosmos, colorful
Blanka Mug
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Description: My personal take on the streetfighter character blanka. He is the greatest.

Tags: electricity, lightning, playstation, videogames, comics
The Collector Mug
Main Tag:  

Description: The fun collector comes around taking away all your potatoes. Better not show any signs of fun around this guy.

Tags: weapon, gun, skulls, superheroes, manga
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