Description: Sometimes the world works against you and you just have to wait for those updates to finish... dont forget to restart and eat chips while waiting.
Franky boi Mug
Description: From an early age the little ones of the Deep have an on point sneaker game. They also like shiny stuff.
The deepling Mug
Description: Djinn became a dying breed after many of the other species started to mine the crystals that kept their world alive. Now the ones that are left are wandering the world trying to reclaim the stolen crystals.
Adult Djinn Mug
Description: This snake wanted to have arms so bad he asked a smart Professorman to make him a pair. Also he likes ankles.
Cyber snake Mug
Description: Now this guy has the right voice for every occasion. you thought you had him shut his face think again. This guy also doesn't work alone, scumbag squad seriously has to watch their potatoes. .
Ya boi Croc Mug
Description: This smart little pot travels around and provides any needing traveler with some hot liquid of choice.
Tea time Mug
Description: Its never to early for a nice little coffee break on those galactic adventures.
Coffee break Mug
Blanka Mug