Description: The Norse goddess Freyja, glowing with power, with sword and spindle both in hand.
Freyja Pin
Description: At Winter Solstice, the divine child Dionysus is born to the Great Mother Goddess Rhea in her sacred cave on Crete. The Kouretes dance and clash their swords on their shields while the Horned Ones look on.
Minoan Midwinter Pin
Description: Three figures perform a ritual on my modern art rendition of the scene from the Tiryns seal ring.
The Tiryns Ring Pin
Sun Mother's Seal Pin
Description: A vibrant modern art interpretation of the ancient Minoan gold seal ring from Isopata showing priestesses dancing in ritual.
The Isopata Ring Pin
Description: My modern art version of the Minoan gold seal ring from Amnisos that depicts an ancient ship ceremony.
The Amnisos Ring Pin
Description: The Minoan goddess celebrates with a beautiful garland of red lilies. Art based on an ancient Minoan seal from Hagia Triada.
Thumia's Seal Pin
Description: Inspired by the Running Horned Woman prehistoric art from Algeria combined with images and beings I encountered in spirit journeys.
Mother of the Rocks Pin
Description: Colorful Minoan-themed mandala with labryses, sacred horns, lilies, crocuses, and spirals.
Minoan Mandala Pin
Description: The Ariadne's Tribe logo featuring the famous Malia bee pendant. The background is a detail of the Lilies fresco from the Minoan port town of Amnisos, which served Knossos and nearby areas. Proceeds from sales of Tribe logo merch go to the Board of Directors for official expenses. Proceeds from all other art in this Redbubble shop go to the artist.
Description: The Ariadne's Tribe logo on the rainbow Pride flag. Ariadne's Tribe is a welcoming tradition, open to all who share our love for the Minoan deities and respect for our fellow human beings. We support the QUILTBAG community year round. Proceeds from sales of Tribe logo merch go to the Board of Directors for official expenses. Proceeds from all other art in this Redbubble shop go to the artist.
Description: The Ariadne's Tribe logo on the inclusive/intersectional Pride flag. Ariadne's Tribe is a welcoming tradition, open to all who share our love for the Minoan deities and respect for our fellow human beings. We support the QUILTBAG community year round. As always, proceeds from sales of Tribe logo merch go to the Board of Directors for official expenses. Proceeds from all other art in this Redbubble shop go to the artist.