Description: He's the one, the only...the happy nerd. Our mascot, now your apparel.
$18 $23
Description: You know who you are, and you know where you're going. Now let everyone else see there is only one direction for you: nerding.
Description: Mr. Roman, Lucinda, Courie, Comica, and their cat Ding: a loving family who have been keeping the web safe since its inception.
Description: This is the only pointer that is proudly null. It even brags about it.
Description: SQL Scottie has so many toys, but which to fetch first?
Description: This magic number is unmistakably unique, which is more than you can say for the ones you'll find in that next refactoring sprint.
Description: This is no self-balancing binary search tree .... no, this is a B-tree! Like an oak, it stands proud ... which is why your database is probably using one.
Description: You're not just any nerd, you're a pro. Tell the world
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